For Staff
Find information for staff about logging in, searching for requests, requesting library actions and supplying library actions.
When developing the staff web pages the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 are followed.
- Bookbands
- Find information about printing and viewing a bookband.
- Supplying library
- Staff at the supplying library may update requests to Ship Loan, Complete Loan, or Unfilled.
- Requesting library
- Staff at the supplying library may update requests to Loan, Return Loan, or Unfilled.
- Inactive library and locations
- Find steps to set a consortium member to inactive.
- Search for requests
- Find information for configuration options for Exact Query, Advanced Query, and the Side Menu.
- Query results
- Find information about single requests, the results grid, and request display.
- Messages to patrons
- If using Relais D2D or Relais ILL for request management at various times through out the workflow messages can be sent to the patron. These messages are optional and configurable by each member library.
- 我的帳戶
- Find information about post logout and post expiry configuration.