OCLC Support

Request routing tab

Find information on how the Request Routing tab works in the Staff portal.

The request routing tab allows staff to view the existing routing list associated with their patron's request, view a list of all configured supplies in the system, and modify the routing list as appropriate.

From the request routing tab staff can:

  • Add new suppliers to the routing list if there is room. If staff highlight a location within the existing routing list first and then select a new supplier to add to the list, the new supplier will be added below the selected supplier in the existing routing list. Otherwise, the new supplier will be added to the bottom of the routing list.
    • Use CTRL +F to search for the first few or full characters of a desired supplier code.
  • Delete an existing supplier from the routing list.
  • Use the up and/or down arrows to reposition a selected supplier up or down in the requests displayed routing list.
  • Use the Resubmit button to enable a previously visited location in the routing list to be routed to again. This option is only enabled when a supplier in the routing list is selected that has sent to and responded already (as indicated by * preceding and following the supplier code). 
  • Use the Update Request button to save the currently displayed routing list without submitting the request to the current supplier in the list.
  • Use the Submit Request button to save the currently displayed routing list and submit the request to the current supplier in the routing list.
  • Use the Reset button to reset the routing list to the last known routing list defined before an Update was saved.