OCLC Support

Display of a request

Find information about the constant request information, request status, tabs, standard buttons and request history.

There are three components to the display

  • Constant request information
  • A tab or a set of tabs
  • The request history

Constant request information

The following information displays:

  • Request from your patron

  • Request from another library


The table below defines the fields available from the Constant request screen.

欄位 定義
Request Number The Relais request number.
Bibliographic information The Title, Author, Publication date, Call number, and Volume/Issue for the item, in addition to any Notes provided by the requestor.
Requested By
  • For requests from patrons: the name and the patron ID
    • The patron name and ID only display if the patron is from your library. Staff from other libraries do not see your patron information.
  • For requests from other libraries: the library name and symbol
Publication type The publication type of the item.
Service type The request's service type (e.g., Loan).
Preferred format The requestor's preferred format for the item.
Submitted on The date the request was submitted.
Need by date The date the request is needed by.
Due date The date the request is due.
Status date The date and time of the current status.
Status The current status of the request.
Additional Resource(s) Additional search resources can be added if the catalog supports URL parameters. The link will be based on the search result format and constructed using the information in the search result record. Additional search resources include, but are not limited to:
  • WorldCat
  • Internet Archive
  • PubMed
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

To access an additional resource:
  1. Click Additional Resource(s) in the search result panel. An Additional Resource(s) modal opens.
  2. Click a link from the Additional Resource(s) modal to view an additional resource.

Request status

The current status for each request is determined when the request is retrieved as a single request or when the request is opened in the results grid.  

 Note:  The label used for request statuses can be customized to suit local requirements. Contact OCLC Support and indicate the status label(s) you would like to modify and what you would prefer to use instead.

The status depends on a number of factors, including:

Status Used when

Name of the current RequestFlow queue. For example:

  • Print Request
  • Scan or Update - Internal


  • not yet updated as a loan, or
  • no Reason Unfilled has been assigned
  • Reason Unfilled has been assigned but no message sent
Shipped Request has been updated using the Ship Loan tab
On Loan Request has been updated using the Loan tab
Sent Back Request has been updated using the Send Back tab
Returned Request has been updated using the Return tab

Request has been updated with a Reason Unfilled, e.g. Not on shelf, No locations found, and a message sent to the requester

Cancelled The patron requesting library has canceled the request or staff has updated the request indicating the requester has canceled, i.e., assigned Reason Unfilled = "Request Cancelled (CRQ)"


When a single request displays or a request is selected in the results grid, one or more tabs display depending on the current status of the request.  

Currently the possible tabs are:  

借用 The Ship Loan tab displays when a request is in a Scan or Update queue, i.e., the bookband has been printed or emailed.

This tab is used to update a request when:

  • loaning an item or items to another library
Unfilled The Unfilled tab displays prior to the request being shipped/loaned This tab is used to indicate a reason for non-supply, e.g., Not on shelf, No locations found
Bib Info The Bib Info tab always displays. This tab is used to view bibliographic information from the request and to update it as required.

The duplicate request option in this tab includes the following options:
  • Duplicate patron request
  • Duplicate patron request (keyword)
  • Duplicate system request
  • Duplicate system request (keyword)

Standard buttons

At the bottom of each tab is a set of standard buttons.

Add Note

You can use the Add Note button at any time to add a note to the request history.  

  1. After entering your note click Update.
  2. To clear the note you have entered, click Clear.
  3. To return to the tab without adding a note click Cancel.

Display of the Add Note button is optional.

Patron Record

If using NCIP or eSIP and you need to be able to update the patron barcode in order for the AcceptItem message to be successful, then use the Patron Record button.

  1. After entering the new barcode click Update.
  2. To clear the barcode you have entered, click Reset.
  3. To return to the tab without updating the barcode click Cancel.

If you are part of a shared system, the Patron Record only displays for requests from your own patrons.

Configure Standard Buttons

To hide or display any standard buttons contact your local Relais Administrator.

Request history

Under the tab or tabs the full request history displays. The information displayed in the Request history can be configured by hiding specific rows and columns. Contact OCLC Support for assistance.


  • To expand any of the lines in the history, highlight the line and click
