OCLC Support

Select a report

Identify the standard report(s) to run in WorldShare Reports in order to meet your needs.
I want to. . .  報告
Analyze circulation statistics 流通事件詳細資料報告
Analyze fiscal transactions 會計明細報告
Analyze full-text usage activity across vendors 計數 4 合併的電子期刊/電子書使用摘要
Analyze search activity across vendors 計數 4 合併的資料庫使用摘要
Analyze the distribution of registered borrowers by category 讀者計數摘要報告
Analyze what is unique and shared between collections at the title level WorldCat knowledge base - Collection Overlap Detail Report

WorldCat知識庫 - 我的館藏重疊詳細資料報告
Clean up LHR and circulation data LHR重複條碼
Clean up patron records 讀者資訊詳細資料報告
Compare eBook title usage across various content platforms 計數 5 電子書題名使用對比
Compare eJournal title usage across various content platforms 計數 5 電子期刊標題使用對比
Compare how the distribution of my collection has changed over time 題名館藏 (按資料格式與出版日期)
Compare title counts by month broken out by OCLC Subject Conspectus Title Holdings by OCLC Subject Conspectus
Create new titles lists for library staff and end users 新題名清單
Create packing lists for branch shipments 正在轉換報告中的項目
Create removed titles lists for library staff 已移除題名清單
Determine busy and slow times at the circulation desk 每小時平均流通活動日圖

Determine how unique a collection in the Knowledge Base is in comparison to my library's collection WorldCat知識庫 - 我的館藏重疊摘要報告
Determine the status of all institutional funds 資金結餘
Determine the status of items in my institution 項目狀態統計圖表
Determine my institution's most circulated items 項目狀態統計圖表
Determine my institution's most popular items 高使用流通題名摘要報告
Determine recalled items not yet returned 已催還項目報告
Determine what is unique to an electronic collection WorldCat知識庫 - 館藏重疊摘要報告
Determine where a single barcode value has been used in multiple LHR items LHR重複條碼
Determine where an electronic collection overlaps with other collections WorldCat知識庫 - 館藏重疊摘要報告
Determine which items were added or deleted in the last seven days 流通新增-刪除報告
Generate title-level counts by format for external reporting purposes 題名館藏 (按資料格式)
Identify fulfilled hold requests that are on the hold shelf ready for patrons to pick up 預約準備領取報告
Identify high-use electronic titles in my collection COUNTER 4 前 100 個題名的使用
Identify high-use titles in my collection based on circulation activity, such as checkouts, renewals, and holds 高使用流通題名摘要報告
Identify holds that currently could be fulfilled (i.e., the item that could fulfill the open hold request is in Available or In Processing status) 預約清單報告
Identify items that require staff action 所有已借出項目報告
Identify open holds not yet fulfilled 開啟預約報告
Identify orders that are still open Open Encumbrances Report
Identify the best-performing vendors 供應商表現
Identify the worst-performing vendors 供應商表現
Notify patrons who don't have email about overdue items 逾期項目帳齡報告
Notify patrons who don't have email about past due bills 未結費用與帳單報告
Perform a quick count of bills created, waived, and paid 會計摘要報告
Perform a quick count of items checked in, checked out, and renewed 每月流通統計報告
Predict staffing levels needed at the circulation desk 每小時平均流通活動日圖

Hourly Average Circulation Activity Summary
Provide a detailed view by vendor by month of your institution's C4DB1 COUNTER data 計數 4 合併的供應商使用詳細資料
Provide a detailed view of your library's C5DR_D1 data by database by month 計數 5 資料庫供應商使用詳細資料
Provide a detailed view of your library's C5TR_J1 and C5TR_B1 COUNTER data by title 計數 5 合併的電子期刊/電子書使用詳細資料
Provide a list of checked out items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution 分組所有已借出項目報告
Provide a summary by month of your library's C5PR_P1 COUNTER data 計數 5 平台使用摘要
Provide a summary by month of your library's C5TR_J1 and C5TR_B1 COUNTER data 計數 5 合併的電子期刊/電子書使用摘要
Provide a summary of invoices that need to be paid to an external department that issues payments on behalf of the library 已付款發票摘要報告
Provide a summary of serials received by publication frequency within a specified period of time 已收到期刊摘要報告
Provide a summary of your library's C5DR_D1 data for a specific period of time 計數 5 資料庫使用摘要
Provide a summary of your library's C5DR_D2 data for a specific period of time 計數 5 拒絕資料庫摘要
Provide an "at-a-glance" view of acquisition activity at your institution 採購儀表板
Provide an "at-a-glance" view of circulation activity at your institution 流通儀表板
Provide details of invoiced items to an external department that issues payments on behalf of the library 已付款發票項目詳細報告
Provide details of the titles from C4BR1 and C4JR1 files where COUNTER Report Total (i.e., ft_total) was equal to zero for the selected time period 使用詳細資料為零的計數器 4 題名
Reconcile a circulation cash drawer 每日付款報告
Replace absent items 遺失或遺失項目報告
Track changes to title-level holdings for your collection over time 題名館藏 (按資料格式)
View a count of titles held by individual members of a WMS Group by month, year 依機構的題名館藏計數
View a list of titles uniquely held by a specified member institution of a WMS Group 由單一機構收藏的題名
Verify a patron load 讀者計數摘要報告
View a detailed listing of document delivery requests for a given period of time 文件遞交請求詳細資料
View a list of circulation events for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution 群組流通事件詳細資料報告
View a list of open hold requests for a WMS Group 群組開放預約請求報告
View a list of overdue items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution 群組逾期項目報告
View a monthly heatmap of the distribution of my collection based on format and publication decade 題名館藏 (按資料格式與出版日期)
View a summary by month of your institution's C4DB1 COUNTER data 計數 4 合併的資料庫使用摘要
View a summary by month of your library's C5TR_J1 and C5TR_B1 COUNTER data 計數 5 合併的電子期刊/電子書使用摘要
View a summary by platform by month of your library's C5TR_J1 and C5TR_B1 COUNTER data 計數 5 電子期刊/電子書平台使用
View a summary of activity for document delivery requests and fulfillments 文件遞交活動概觀
View a summary of purchases made at the request of a specific library user Payment Activity by Requestor Report
View amount paid by classification Payment Activity by Classification Report
View amount paid by material format Payment Activity by Material Format Report
View amount paid by vendor Payment Activity by Vendor Report
View amount paid for eproducts, serials, and single-volume works Payment Activity by Processing Type Report
View collection changes over time based on subject holdings 依OCLC主題Conspectus的題名館藏
View how many items have been ordered on a fund and the associated expenditures Payment Activity by Fund Report
View details for a specific fund expenditure Payment Activity by Fund Report
View details of all the items purchased based on fund, location, or processing type 題名副本詳細資料報告
View details of copies received by branch 接收的活動 (按位置)
View details of copies received by shelving location 接收的活動 (按位置)
View document delivery statistics for a given period of time by patron status, patron department, or material format 文件遞交請求統計
View item holdings quantity by branch 分館項目館藏 (按資料格式)

分館項目館藏 (按上架地點)
View item holdings quantity by material format 分館項目館藏 (按資料格式)
View item holdings quantity by shelving location 分館項目館藏 (按上架地點)
View search statistics for a specific provider by collection 計數 4 合併的資料庫使用詳細資料
View statistics on currently received journal titles 已收到期刊摘要報告
View the combined count of new and removed titles for a WMS Group 新的與已移除的群組題名計數
View the combined count of titles held by a WMS Group by month, year, and material format 群組目錄報告的題名計數
View the net change in title holdings activity for a WMS Group by month, year 新的與已移除的群組題名計數
View the number of copies purchased and the amount paid for each location in my library Payment Activity by Location Report
View the number of items purchased by classification Payment Activity by Classification Report
View the number of items purchased by material format Payment Activity by Material Format Report
View the number of items purchased by vendor Payment Activity by Vendor Report
View the number of items purchased Payment Activity by Processing Type Report
View title-level statistics for e-books and e-journals for a specific provider 計數 4 合併的電子期刊/電子書使用詳細資料
View when report data was last updated 上次重新整理採購資料

Cataloging Data Last Refreshed

Circulation Data Last Refreshed

E-Resources Data Last Refreshed

View when cataloging report data was last updated for a WMS Group 上次重新整理的群組編目資料