Only libraries using Tipasa can view Interlibrary Loan reports. You must have the WORLDSHARE_ILL_ADMIN role to view the Reports tab and Interlibrary Loan Reports.
Data history start date: Last five years (rolling date range)
Data refresh rate: Monthly
This report provides a summary of the activity for document delivery requests and fulfillments.
This report's data is updated monthly. The data will be updated by the fourth of the month. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous month.
Data history start date: Last five years (rolling date range)
Data refresh rate: Monthly
This report provides a detailed listing of document delivery requests for a given period of time.
This report's data is updated monthly. The data will be updated by the fourth of the month. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous month.
Data history start date: Last five years (rolling date range)
Data refresh rate: Monthly
This report provides document delivery statistics for a given period of time by patron status, patron department, or material format.
This report's data is updated monthly. The data will be updated by the fourth of the month. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous month.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
The Interlibrary Loan Data Last Refreshed report displays when interlibrary loan data was last refreshed. It provides information about the reports affected, how often the data is refreshed, and the date last refreshed. You can use this report to see when the interlibrary loan data was last updated.