- Deleted patrons will display as ‘N/A’ in WorldShare Circulation reports. In the case of deleted patrons whose fines were waived just prior to deleting, the fine will appear in perpetuity as outstanding in the Outstanding Fees and Bills Report, with the associated patron data displaying ‘N/A’, as there is no longer patron information to associate with the transaction.
To avoid this occurring, waive the patron fine and wait until the following day before deleting the patron account.
- To preserve the ability to perform historical circulation counts, the following data points are not removed from WorldShare Reports when a patron account is deleted from WorldShare Circulation:
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The All Checked Out Items Report provides a detailed list of items currently checked out. It provides details of item material format, item lending policy, and item status current status. You can use this report to identify items that require staff action (e.g. overdue reserves, overdue technology, etc.).
Note: Any title that is overdue, but not long overdue, will display an Item Long Overdue Date/Time of 9999-01-01.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Circulation Add-Delete Report displays items added or deleted in the last seven days.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Historial Trends tab data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation (no patron PII data prior to June 1, 2015)
Current State tab data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
This report provides an "at-a-glance" view of circulation activity at your institution using two sets of visualizations: Historical Trends (default) and Current State.
Historical Trends includes four components:
- Monthly Circulation Activity: Stacked column chart to compare the number of items checked out, renewed, and soft checked out by month.
- Circulation at Top 5 Shelving Locations: Stacked bar chart that presents the top five permanent shelving locations from which items have been checked out, renewed, and soft checked out.
- Titles With Most Circulation Activity: List of the seven titles with the highest total number of check outs, renewals, and soft check outs.
- Hold Pickup Activity by Borrower Category: Double column bar chart that compares the total number of holds picked up or expired by borrower category.
Report Designers – Data for the Historical Trends tab is sourced from the Circulation Events universe.
Current State, which displays data as of the end of the previous day, includes four components:
- Circulation Items by Current Status: Donut chart that displays percentages of the circulating collection by item status.
- Number of Items Currently On Loan: Count of items where item status is On Loan.
- Titles with the Most Current Holds: List of the six titles that currently have the most holds.
- Number of Items Currently On Hold: Count of items where item status is On Hold.
Report Designers – Data for the Current State tab is sourced from the Circulation Item Status and Circulation Hold Request universes.
Use the tabs at the bottom of the report to switch between views. Each tab can be exported separately.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
The Circulation Data Last Refreshed displays when circulation data was last refreshed. It provides information about the reports affected, how often the data is refreshed, and the date last refreshed. You can use this report to see when the circulation data was last updated.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation (no patron PII data prior to June 1, 2015)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Circulation Events Detail Report lists the circulation event details within a specified date range. By default, this report displays data for all circulation event types. The Circulation Event Type prompt can be used to limit the results to specific circulation event types. You can use this report to analyze circulation transactions by date, loan policy, call number, material format or borrower category.
With Analytics infrastructure now in place in our global data centers, ongoing circulation event data after 01-Jun-2015 for non-U.S. institutions will contain patron barcode. However, circulation events prior to this date will not contain patron barcode, as that historical data had been previously cleansed of patron privacy data when stored in the Dublin data center. For U.S.-based institutions, this data was put in place for the Beta reports rollout and is available beginning with circulation events after 22-Jun-2014.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation (no branch name prior to January 18, 2015)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Daily Payments Report displays details about daily payments by branch and payment method with a specified date range. It provides a list of payments received during the selected date range grouped by payment type. You can use this report to reconcile a circulation cash drawer.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Fiscal Detail Report lists detailed fiscal transactions within a specified date range. It provides details of bills assessed, paid, and waived. You can use this report to analyze financial transactions by type, staff name, bill reason, borrower category, or payment method.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Fiscal Summary Report displays a summary of monthly billing counts and fiscal amounts by branch within a specified date range. It provides the quantity and amount of bills created, waived, and paid. You can use this report to perform a quick count of bills created, waived and paid.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Group All Checked Out Items Report provides a list of checked out items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Circulation (no patron PII data prior to June 1, 2015)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Group Circulation Events Detail Report provides a list of circulation events for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Group Open Holds Request Report provides a list of open hold requests for a WMS Group.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Group Overdue Items Report provides a list of overdue items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The High Use Circulation Titles Summary Report lists titles identified as high use (based on circulation activity, such as checkouts, renewals and holds) within a specified date range. It provides details of an item’s title, material format, and branch name. You can use this report to determine your institution’s most popular items.
In order to appear in the report, a title must have an OCLC number and a count of at least 1 for one of the measures in the report (Items Checked Out, Items Renewed, Holds Fulfilled, or Items Soft Checked Out).
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
This report provides a list of items currently on hold. You can use this report to identify holds that currently could be fulfilled (i.e., the item that could fulfill the open hold request is in Available or In Processing status). This report is based on a combined query across the Circulation Item Status and Hold Request universes.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
This report provides a list of items that are currently on hold and are ready for pickup by a patron. You can use this report to identify fulfilled hold requests that are on the hold shelf ready for patrons to pick up.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Hourly Average Circulation Activity Daily Chart displays a chart of average circulation activity by hour within a specified date range for one selected branch for one selected day. This chart is interactive and after you select or deselect event types, the chart regenerates. You can use this chart to display busy and slow times at the circulation desk and predict staffing levels needed.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Hourly Average Circulation Activity Summary Report lists circulation activity (checkouts, renewals and holds) by hour and day of the week within a specified date range. It provides the average amount of bills created, paid, and waived. You can use this report to determine busy and slow times at the circulation desk and predict staffing levels needed.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Item Status Statistics Chart displays a bar chart that shows the distribution of current statuses for items owned in the institution. It provides item status details, such as available, claimed returned, and in transit. You can use this report to determine the status of items in your institution by permanent shelving location, temporary shelving location, and material format.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Items in Transit Report displays details about items that are currently in transit by branch within a specified date range. It provides details of an item’s origin branch, destination branch, and current branch location. You can use this report to create packing lists for branch shipments.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Lost or Missing Items Report lists details about items that are currently lost or missing. It provides details of items declared claimed returned, claimed never had, and lost or missing within a specified date range. You can use this report for collection development and to replace absent items.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Data since institution started using WMS Circulation
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Monthly Circulation Statistics Report displays circulation statistics for items checked out, checked in, renewed, and soft checked out. You can view these events by event branch, patron category, permanent shelving location, temporary shelving location, or material format within a specified date range. It provides details at the month and year level. You can use this report to perform a quick count of items checked in, checked out, and renewed.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
This report displays the current detailed list of items with holds placed on them. It provides details of a hold’s request placed, expiration, and loan due date as well as patron information. You can use this report to identify open hold requests that are not yet filled.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Outstanding Fees and Bills Report displays the current detailed list of fees and bills that are outstanding. You can use this report to notify patrons who don’t have email about past due bills by postal mail or phone.
For the ID at Source and the Source System form fields that appear in this report, if a user has more than one value for the ID at Source, then those values (up to 10 values) will appear in the field and be separated by a pipe (|) character for easy parsing. If there is more than one value for Source System, then the values will be displayed in the same manner.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Overdue Items Aging Report displays a list of titles based on the number of days overdue. It provides details of days overdue and loan notification count. You can use this report to notify patrons who don’t have email about overdue items.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Patron Counts Summary Report displays counts of patrons by branch, custom category (e.g. major, class year), patron type, and postal code (zip code). It provides information about the number of patrons in a borrower or custom category. You can use this report to verify a patron load or to analyze the distribution of registered borrowers by category.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Patron Information Detail Report lists detailed information that includes many of the data fields in the patron record. It provides detailed information from patron records. You can use this report for data cleanup (e.g. finding patrons with missing borrower category or home branch), projects, and troubleshooting.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.
Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)
Data refresh rate: Nightly
The Recalled Items Report displays a detailed list of recalled items by branch. It provides details of items recalled before the original due date. You can use this report to follow up on recalled items not yet returned.
This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.