OCLC Support


Learn how to search for an institution's WorldCat registry profile in OCLC Service Configuration.

Use this screen to search for an institution in the WorldCat registry. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Search.

Basic Search

 Note: The OCLC WorldCat registry uses material from the Wikipedia article List of country names in various languages and List of names of European cities in different languages, which are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0).

To find an institution:

  1. Enter search terms in the Search box. (Optional) Select a search facet from Names Only, Address Only and Enter Record.
  2. Click Search. The Search function will find exact matches first, and then close matches. Search Results display below the search box.
  3. Click the institution name to go to the Profile Summary for that institution. If this is your institution and you need to request authorization, click Authorize me for this record.

Advanced Search

Use Advanced Search to search with more specific search terms.

 Note: The OCLC WorldCat registry uses material from the Wikipedia article List of country names in various languages and List of names of European cities in different languages, which are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0).

To use Advanced Search:

  1. Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Search fields will appear.
  2. Enter search terms in any or all of the fields provided.
  3. Click Search. The Search function will find exact matches first, and then close matches. Search Results display below the search fields.
  4. Click the institution name to go to the Profile Summary for that institution. If this is your institution and you need to request authorization, click Authorize me for this record.

Advanced Search fields

 Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  • Name: Name describing your institution. Include identifying information, such as consortium or branch name. examples: Seattle Public Library; BANK OF CHINA, LAW AFFAIRS DEPT
  • Also Called: Alias name, common name, abbreviation, or English version of a non-English name, if applicable. example: Detroit Area Library Network Also Called: DALNET
  • Institution Type: Select your institution type from the drop-down list.
  • Country: Select your country from the drop-down list. ISO standard names, see: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm
  • City: City of institution’s physical location.
  • State or Province: Select your state or province from the drop-down list, if applicable. Drop-down values are available for the United States, Canada and Australia. ISO standard names, see: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm
  • Postal Code: Postal or zip code of institution’s physical location.

Search by Identifiers

Use this option to search by Identifiers.

To search by identifiers:

  1. Click the Identifiers tab. The Identifiers fields will appear.
  2. Enter an identifier to search in the fields provided, or choose one from the drop-down lists.
  3. Click Search. The Search function will find exact matches first, and then close matches. Search Results display below the search fields.
  4. Click the institution name to go to the Profile Summary for that institution. If this is your institution and you need to request authorization, click Authorize me for this record.