OCLC Support


Learn how to list identifying codes to your WorldCat registry institution information in OCLC Service Configuration.

Use this screen to list identifying codes assigned by OCLC and other industry and standards organizations, if applicable. (The ID assigned by the WorldCat registry is included.) To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Identifiers.

When you are finished, click Save Changes to save and continue, or Reset to start over.


To add an identifier:

  1. Select an Identifier Type from the drop-down list.
  2. Provide an identifier in the Identifier field. 
  3. Click Add. The identifier appears in the table.

To edit an identifier type:

  1. Click the Identifier Type.
  2. Choose the correct type from the drop-down list.

To edit an identifier:

  1. Click the Identifier.
  2. Provide the correct identifier.

To delete an identifier:

Click Remove to delete the identifier.

Identifier Types

  • WorldCat Registry ID: The unique ID assigned by the WorldCat registry (not editable).
    • Example: 21274
  • Australian National Union Catalog: A unique identifier issued by the National Library of Australia for organizations which contribute information to the Australian National Bibliographic Database (ANBD). Australian National Union Catalog symbol has been recognized as an International Standard Identifier for Libraries (ISIL).
  • Australian Business Number: 11-digit unique identifier issued by the Australian Taxation Office that is used by business entities when dealing with the Australian government.
  • BIBSYS Library Code (Norway records) (editable by OCLC staff only): A unique library identifier issued by BIBSYS which is a key supplier of products and services for higher educational institutions, other research institutions in Norway, public administrative institutions and the National Library of Norway
    • Example: xu
  • British Library Code (UK records): An internal unique identifier for British Libraries indicating the physical location of the material. Enables British Library customers to convert into names and addresses the library codes they are given in response to location searches. It also indicates each library’s supply and charging policies.
    • Example: ED/N-2, DB/N-2
  • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) Identifier: A unique nine-digit numeric identifier assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to businesses in the United States.
    • Example: 88-1234567
  • International Standard Identifier for Libraries (ISIL): A unique identifier issued by the ISIL Agency to create an identifier to enable unique identification of a library or related institution. An ISIL is made up by two components: a prefix and a library identifier, in that order, separated by a mandatory hyphen. An OCLC symbol can be rendered as ISIL by the addition of the prefix “OCLC” or “O” for technical encoding in cases such as RFID tags. Examples: CA-QMCB, OCLC-ABCDE
  • MARC Organization Code (NUC): Alphabetic identifier used in Library of Congress National Union Catalog.
  • NCES IPEDS ID/UnitID: Numeric identifier issued by the National Center for Educational Statistics (U.S.) for Academic Institutions.
  • NCES Organization Code/FSCS ID: Alpha-numeric organization code issued by the National Center for Educational Statistics (U.S.) for Public Libraries.
  • NCES Library Code/LIBID: Alpha-numeric identifier issued by the National Center for Educational Statistics (U.S.) identifying branch level information for Public Libraries.
  • New Zealand Library Symbol (New Zealand records): A unique library identifier issued by the National Library of New Zealand. Its primary purpose is to facilitate interloan. New Zealand Library Symbol has been recognized as an International Standard Identifier for Libraries (ISIL). Example: WN (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington)
  • New Zealand Union Catalog Name (editable by OCLC staff only): New Zealand Union Catalog Name (editable by OCLC staff only) A unique library identifier issued by the National Library of New Zealand.
    • Example: Porirua Public Library
  • OCLC Account Name (editable by OCLC staff only): Account name issued by OCLC to member institutions. This name will be used as your Institution Name unless you want to change it.
    • Example: OCLC, Inc.
  • OCLC Symbol (editable by OCLC staff only): Alpha-numeric identifier issued by OCLC to member institutions.
  • RCR Code (France records) (editable by OCLC staff only): A unique numeric library identifier issued by ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur) the agency in charge of SUDOC (Système Universitaire de documentation), the Library Union Catalogue for the academic, specialist and Higher Education in France.
    • Example: 974112202
  • SAN Identifier: The Standard Address Number (SAN) is a seven-digit numeric identifier used to identify organizations and businesses interacting with the publishing industry (including book and serial manufacturers, libraries, publishers.)
    • Example: 0348277