OCLC Support

Profile Summary

Learn how to view your institution's information with links to other WorldCat registry screens in OCLC Service Configuration

This screen lists your institution’s information with links to other WorldCat registry screens for easier editing. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Profile Summary.

The screen appears after a Search or after Create a New Institution.

If this is your institution and you need to request authorization, Authorize me for this record will appear.

  1. Click Authorize me for this record. The window will expand to include a relationship field.
  2. Describe your relationship with the institution in the field provided.
  3. Click Send. The request is sent to OCLC for verification.
  4. You will be contact by OCLC staff when your authorization is complete.

If this is your institution and you are authorized, Edit this record will appear. Click the link to go to the Name and Location screen.