OCLC Support

Request items for cancellation

Discover how to notify the vendor about the cancellation and confirm cancellation using either the One Time Orders or Missing Order Items screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Notify vendor about cancellation (and request confirmation)

If you select to notify the vendor about the cancellation, the system will generate an email or print out of the cancellation information that you can send to the vendor. When you select to notify the vendor, you also have the option to request a confirmation of the cancellation from the vendor. If you decide to request a confirmation of the cancellation, the message the system generates for the vendor will say that a cancellation confirmation is requested, and the Order Status of the copies you selected updates to Cancellation Requested. Once you receive a confirmation from the vendor, you can confirm the cancellation in the system. See Confirm cancellation for more information.

If you decide to notify the vendor about the cancellation but do not request a confirmation, the Order Status of the copies you selected updates to Cancelled.

  1. Select the Notify vendor about this cancellation checkbox.
  2. (Optional) Select the Request confirmation of cancellation checkbox.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. On the Notify Vendor about Cancellation Request window, fill in the fields:
    1. In the Method field, select the method you want to use to notify the vendor (print or email).
    2. In the To field, select the vendor contact. You can set a default method and vendor contact by editing the Acquisitions Settings in the vendor record. For more information, see Acquisitions Settings.
    3. In the Reply to field, select the library contact. This is the person at your library who the vendor can contact about the cancellation.
       Note: The default is the first person listed in the OCLC WorldCat Registry for your library.
      1. (Optional) Change the Reply to contact.
        1. If you want to change the library contact, you can click Change to select a different contact person.
        2. Click the Choose field to search through all users. Use the text field to search for a name, or select a name from the list.
        3. Click a name in the list to make them the library contact.
    4. In the Comments field, enter any comments you want to send to the vendor.
  5. If you selected Print as the method:
    1. Click Continue.
    2. On the Print Preview window, click Print Cancel or Print Request Cancel.
    3. The cancellation message prints. Go to step 7.
  6. If you selected Email (HTML) as the method:
    1. (Optional) Select the Preview email before sending checkbox to view the email before sending it to the vendor. Click Continue.
    2. Click Send Cancel or Send Request Cancel.
  7. A confirmation message appears and the copies are canceled or have been requested to be canceled in the system. If you requested confirmation of the cancellation, the copies' Order Status updates to Cancellation Requested, and you can confirm the cancellation once you hear back from the vendor. Otherwise, the copies' Order Status updates to Cancelled.

Confirm cancellation

Follow the instructions below to confirm the cancellation of items you requested to be canceled. You can only confirm the cancellation for copies that have the Order Status of Cancellation Requested. Once a cancellation has been confirmed, the copies' status changes to Cancelled, and the money that was encumbered for the copies returns to the remaining fund balance.

You can also confirm cancellation on the Missing Order Items screen.

Confirm cancellation using the One Time Orders screen

  1. On the left navigation, click Orders > One Time Items.
  2. Click Search to view all one time order items.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to confirm are canceled. If you want to confirm the cancellation of all items in the table, select the checkbox at the top of the table.
  4. At the top of the screen, click Cancel > Confirm Cancellation.
  5. On the Confirm Cancellation window, click Confirm Cancellation.
  6. The copies are canceled in the system and their Order Status changes to Cancelled.

Confirm cancellation using the Missing Order Items screen

  1. On the left navigation, click Orders > Missing Order Items.
  2. Click Search to view all missing order items.
  3. On the Missing Order Items screen, find the items you want to cancel.
     Note: You may want to filter Order Status to Cancellation Requested.
  4. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to confirm are canceled. If you want to confirm the cancellation of all items in the table, select the checkbox at the top of the table.
  5. At the top of the screen, click Cancel > Confirm Cancellation.
  6. On the Confirm Cancellation window, click Confirm Cancellation.
  7. The copies are canceled in the system and their Order Status changes to Cancelled.