OCLC Support


Discover how to cancel one-time and subscription items, request items for cancellation, and undo cancellation requests in WorldShare Acquisitions.
  • Cancel monographic series
    Discover how to one or more monographic series from the Order Items screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.
  • Cancel one-time items
    Discover how to cancel individual items, all copies, copies that were not received, and copies that have not been received or invoiced from the One-Time Items screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.
  • Cancel subscriptions
    Discover how to search for all subscription items, cancel items mid-subscription or at the end of the subscription period, and confirm cancellations in WorldShare Acquisitions.
  • Request items for cancellation
    Discover how to notify the vendor about the cancellation and confirm cancellation using either the One Time Orders or Missing Order Items screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.
  • Undo cancellations
    Discover how to undo cancellations in WorldShare Acquisitions.