OCLC Support

Cancel subscriptions

Discover how to search for all subscription items, cancel items mid-subscription or at the end of the subscription period, and confirm cancellations in WorldShare Acquisitions.

From the Subscription Items screen, you can cancel items, confirm cancellation, or undo cancellation. See Claim order items, Confirm cancellation, and Uncancel items for more information. You can perform the same operations on the Missing Order Items screen.

Mid-subscription cancellation

  1. Click Orders > Subscription Items in the left navigation.
  2. Search for the subscription you would like to cancel. See Search and filter subscription items for more information.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to cancel. If you want to cancel all items in the table, select the checkbox at the top of the table.
  4. At the top of the screen, click Cancel > Cancel Items.
  5. The Cancel Items window appears. To cancel copies select one of:
    • All copies: Use this option to cancel all copies. If you are unable to cancel any copies you selected, it will be noted here.
    • Copies not received: Use this option if you only want to cancel copies that were not received. If any of the copies you selected cannot be canceled, the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion will appear. Click the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion to view the copies that cannot be canceled and the reason(s) why.
    • Copies not received and not invoiced: use this option if you only want to cancel copies that have not been received or invoiced. If any of the copies you selected cannot be canceled, the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion will appear. Click the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion to view the copies that cannot be canceled and the reason(s) why.
  6. Select Cancel subscriptions on [date].
  7. Enter the date before the subscription period ends. Enter the date manually or click the calendar button to select the date.
  8. If you want to notify the vendor about the cancellation and optionally request a confirmation of the cancellation, continue to Notify vendor about cancellation (and request confirmation). Otherwise, click Cancel Items.
  9. The copies are canceled in the system and their Order Status changes to Cancelled.

End of subscription period cancellation

Current year

  1. Click Orders > Subscription Items in the left navigation.
  2. Search for the subscription you would like to cancel. See Search and filter subscription items for more information.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to cancel. If you want to cancel all items in the table, select the checkbox at the top of the table.
  4. At the top of the screen, click Cancel > Cancel Items.
  5. The Cancel Items window appears. To cancel copies select one of:
    • All copies: Use this option to cancel all copies. If you are unable to cancel any copies you selected, it will be noted here.
    • Copies not received: Use this option if you only want to cancel copies that were not received. If any of the copies you selected cannot be canceled, the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion will appear. Click the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion to view the copies that cannot be canceled and the reason(s) why.
    • Copies not received and not invoiced: use this option if you only want to cancel copies that have not been received or invoiced. If any of the copies you selected cannot be canceled, the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion will appear. Click the Copy that Cannot be Canceled accordion to view the copies that cannot be canceled and the reason(s) why.
  6. Select Cancel subscriptions at the end of the subscription period.
  7. If you want to notify the vendor about the cancellation and optionally request a confirmation of the cancellation, go to Notify vendor about cancellation (and request confirmation). Otherwise, click Cancel Items.
  8. The copies are canceled in the system and their Order Status changes to Cancelled.