OCLC Support


Learn how to add contact information to your WorldCat registry institution information in OCLC Service Configuration.

Use this screen to add contact information for key administrative and departmental personnel.  To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Contacts. WorldCat registry will allow you to make this information publicly available. You can also enter personnel who would be of interest only to parties with whom your profile will be shared.

When you are finished, click Save Changes to save and continue, or Reset to start over.

Contact List

To add contacts:

  1. Click Add Contact. The Add New Contact screen will appear.
  2. Complete the fields on the screen.
    • Choose a Role from the drop-down list.
    • Type information in the contact fields provided.
    • Click the check box if you want to make your contact information publicly available.
  3. Click OK to save or Cancel to start over. The contact appears under Contact List.

To edit contacts:

  1. Click the check box next to the contact.
  2. Click Edit Selected. The Edit Contact screen will appear.
  3. Edit any desired fields.
  4. Click OK to save or Cancel to start over. The changes are made to the contact.

To delete contacts:

  1. Click the check box next to the contact.
  2. Click Delete Selected. The contact is removed.

Contact fields

Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  • Role: Select a role from the drop-down list.
  • Name: Contact’s name, first and last name (surname). Name must be at least two characters.
  • Email Address: Contact’s e-mail address.
  • Phone: Preferred format as it is displayed in your country.
    • Examples:
      +1 (614) 764 6000 (US and Canada)
      + 33 4 55 33 66 77 (France)
      + 31 71 500 2500 (Netherlands)
  • Fax: Preferred format as it is displayed in your country.
    • Examples:
      +1 (614) 764 6000 (US and Canada)
      + 33 4 55 33 66 77 (France)
      + 31 71 500 2500 (Netherlands)
  • Visible to All: Click the check box to allow a contact to be visible to anyone. If you do not make the choice, contact information will be hidden to the general public and available only to parties with whom you share your profile.