Learn how to set your institution's operating hours and days including open and special hours and closed days and times within the WorldCat registry in OCLC Service Configuration.
Use this screen to set your hours of operation. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Open Hours.
- If you are using WMS, the hours and dates you set on this screen will be used in your circulation policies and will impact the due dates of items and when calculating fines.
- If you have multiple branches, use the Branch Opening Hours Override Settings screen in the WMS Institution module to override institution hours for branches with differing opening hours so that circulation policies will work with the branch's hours.
- If the branch hours override is enabled, Circulation uses branch-level open hours as configured in the Open Hours screen when signed in to the OCLC Service Configuration using that Branch Registry ID. If there are no branch hours configured, Circulation assumes the branch is open 24/7.
- If the branch hours override is disabled, Circulation uses institution-level open hours. If no open hours are configured, Circulation assumes the institution is open 24/7.
- Authorized users can configure their branch hours on the Open Hours screen in the WorldCat registry module by signing in with your branch's Branch Registry ID.
- Enter the Branch's Registry ID into the Select an Institution drop-down list and navigate to the Open Hours screen. For information on signing into Service Configuration, see Signing In. See Relationships for information about authorizing users for specific branch registry IDs. Contact OCLC Support if you do not have access to edit your branch locations in Service Configuration.
- If you have multiple branches, use the Branch Opening Hours Override Settings screen in the WMS Institution module to override institution hours for branches with differing opening hours so that circulation policies will work with the branch's hours.
- If you are not using WMS, the hours and dates you set on this screen will only be listed in the WorldCat registry.
Time Zone
Name and Location module.
Note: The Time Zone is automatically selected when the main address is created in theTo set your institution's time zone:
- Select the time zone from the list, or
- Click Auto-Detect Time Zone to automatically set your time zone. This is based on your institution's geolocation, as set on the Map screen.
Normal Hours
To set your institution's hours:
- Click on a day in the table to modify its hours individually, or click one of the buttons at the bottom of the table to set hours for multiple days.
- Select an Open Status.
- If you selected Open, enter an Opening Time and Closing Time.
- Click OK.
- Click Save Changes
Special Hours
Use this setting to indicate public holidays or other days and times a library may be closed. If you are a WMS library, you must first set your institution's Normal Hours in order for Special Hours to be used in your circulation policies.
Add special hours
- Click Add Special Hours.
- Enter a Description.
- Select the dates the special hours last using the calendars.
- Select an Open Status.
- If you selected Open, enter an Opening Time and Closing Time.
- Click OK.
- Click Save Changes.
Edit Special hours
- Select the check box next to the hours you want to edit.
- Click Edit Selected.
- Edit the fields.
- Click OK.
- Click Save Changes.
Delete special hours
- Select the check box next to the hours you want to delete.
- Click Delete Selected.
- Click Save Changes.
Hours URL Page
To set an online link to your institution’s hours page, enter a URL. This link will appear in the WorldCat registry.
- If you are using WMS you must enter Normal Hours in order for your institution's hours to be used in your circulation policies.