OCLC Support

Ship an item

If you have a requested item in stock and you are willing to lend it to the borrowing library, you will notify the requester through NRE/VDX that you are sending the item. This will send a message to the requesting library that you are shipping the item and will prevent the request from expiring and moving on to the next potential lender in the rota.

Select the Shipped action for the request and click the Action button.

After choosing the Shipped action, you are presented with the Shipped screen, where you can enter the loan’s due date, alter the Service Type, Payment Type, or Delivery Method, or Cost, or add a note to the request. If you have integrated circulation with NRE/VDX, you must enter the barcode of the item being shipped in the Shipped Item field.

The Delivery Locator allows you to specify the delivery address for electronic documents when it is different from that configured for the borrowing location.

Once you have added appropriate shipping details, click the Ship button.