Lender request workflow
Actions you perform as a lending library.
- Lending Library: Possible request actions
- A table of available actions as a lending library.
- New requests and pick list
- New borrowing requests appear in the New Requests section of the Lender Work Queue and in the Pick list.
- Ship an item
- When supplying a request, respond Shipped to let the borrowing library know the item is on its way.
- Inform borrowing library an item will be supplied
- If your library can supply an item but not ship it immediately, set the request's status to Will Supply to let the borrowing library know you will fill the request.
- Inform borrowing library an item will not be supplied
- If you are unable to supply a requested item, then indicate a status of will not supply so that the request leaves your work queue and moves on to the next library in the rota.
- Respond to a renewal request
- Let the borrowing library know whether you agree to renew an item by taking either the Renew Yes or the Renew No action.
- Send an overdue notice to the borrower
- Use the Overdue action to notify the borrowing library that the overdue item needs to be returned to your library.
- 催還項目
- Use the Recall action to notify the borrowing library that an item needs to be returned before the due date.
- Respond to a cancel request
- If a borrowing library wishes to cancel a request for which you are the current potential lender, you must reply whether it is possible to cancel the request.
- Check in returned item
- When an item which you lent to a borrowing library is returned, perform the Checked In action to finish the request and remove it from your work queue.
- Send a note
- How to send notes to the borrowing library and to your patron.