OCLC Support

General Options

Find out how to access and use the General tab on the Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the General Options window

  • Open the Session Timer Options window to set the following options:
    • Set the number of minutes of inactivity before the client automatically logs you off the system (5 to 39 min.)
    • Display or hide the timeout warning
    • Set the timing of the warning message (1 to 9 min) (the message allows you to re-set the timer)
  • Open the Action Options window to set the following options:
    • Disable Update and Produce commands (Action menu) for records your library holds
    • Warn before doing online actions immediately
  • Open the Startup Options window to select an action to run automatically when you start the client or change to a different user profile.
    • Run a macro
    • Open one or two windows to start an action such as Logon + Search WorldCat
  • Open the Offline Cataloging Options window to set the following options:
    • Classification scheme
    • Holding library code
    • Institution symbol
    • MARC organization code (for NACO-affiliated libraries only)
  • Open the Validation Level Options window to select None, Basic, or Full validation for the following actions:
    • Set Holdings (includes Update Holdings, Produce and Update Holdings, and Alternate Produce and Update commands on the Action menu)
    • Export bibliographic records
    • Export authority records

Access the General Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > General.
  2. Enter option settings for the automatic session timeout, offline cataloging, taking actions on records, level for validating records, and an automatic startup function, as described in the table below.
  3. Click OK or Apply.

See more about how to set general options.

General Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Session Timer Options Open the Session Timer Options window to customize the way the automatic session timer and logoff work.

Default: The client automatically logs you off after 39 minutes of inactivity with the OCLC system and displays a warning message 5 min. before logoff.
Action Options Open the Action Options window to select options for taking actions.

Default: Options are cleared.
  • Update and Produce actions are not disabled when you display a bibliographic record that your library holds.
  • The client performs the actions immediately without giving you a warning.
Startup Options Open the Startup Options window to select a client action or a macro to run automatically when you start the client or switch to another user profile.

Default: None
Offline Cataloging Options Open the Offline Cataloging Options window to enter the classification scheme, holding library code, OCLC institution symbol, and (for NACO-affiliated libraries) MARC Organization Code to use when you work offline.

Default: Blank

 Note: When you are logged on, the client uses the cataloging profile associated with your logon authorization to determine this information. 
Validation Level Options Open the Validation Level Options window to select the level of validation to perform when you:
  • Set holdings on existing records (including the actions Update Holdings, Produce and Update Holdings, or Alternate Produce and Update).
  • Export bibliographic or authority records.

Default: None (no validation is done for these actions)


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply the settings you entered (or press <Enter>) and close the Options window.
Cancel Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved any changes to options and close the Options window.
Apply Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other option settings.