OCLC Support

Action Options

Find out how to access and use the Action Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Action Options window

  • Disable Update and Produce commands (Action menu) for records your library holds.
  • Receive a warning before doing immediate online actions.

Access the Action Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > General or press <Alt><T><O> and then click the General tab.
  2. Click Action Options.
  3. Check or change option settings as described in the table below.
  4. Click OK.

See more about how to set options for taking actions on records.

Action Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Disable Update and Produce if bibliographic record is held check box Select or deselect the check box to disable or enable the following commands when you display records your library holds:
  • Update Holdings
  • Produce and Update Holdings
  • Alternate Produce and Update

Default: Check box is deselected; the client does not disable the commands when a record is held.

Warn before doing online actions immediately check box Select or deselect the check box to receive a warning/confirmation message before the client carries out an immediate online action.

Select this option if you use batch processing and do not want to take actions immediately by mistake.

Default: Check box is deselected; the client does not give a warning before carrying out an immediate online action.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply your settings and close the window. You are returned to the General tab of the Options window.

In the General tab, you must click OK or Apply to save changes.
Cancel Cancel changes and close the window. You are returned to the General tab of the Options window.