Acquisitions terms
Use the following tables to understand how acquisitions terminology is used in WorldShare Acquisitions.
Order types
Order Type | 定義 | Create for | Workflow | Funds |
Approval Plan | List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items based on a profile. The library retains the right to return items not needed. |
Each plan and vendor with which you have an agreement to receive items. You can name the Approval Plan to reflect the vendor, year the plan covers, and type of material (e.g. YBP New Fiction 2015) |
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid. |
Blanket Order | List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items based on a profile. Vendors do not allow the return of items. |
Each plan and vendor with which you have an agreement to receive items. You can name the Blanket Order to reflect the vendor, the year the plan covers, and the type of material (e.g. Ingram Philosophy Books 2015). |
This workflow is the same as the workflow for Approval Plans. |
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid. |
DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) Plan | List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to trigger purchase of online materials based on patron usage. Also known as Patron Driven Acquisitions (PDA). |
Each e-book agreement you maintain. You can name the DDA Plan to reflect the vendor, year the plan covers, and type of material (e.g. EBL Custom Collection 2015). |
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid. |
Gift/Donation List | List of items received from a specific person or organization for free or at little cost to the library. | Create one list for all gifts/donations received, or create a list for each donor. |
N/A |
Legal Deposit List | List of items received as part of an arrangement with a governmental entity to keep some or all of its publications at the library. | Titles received from federal or state agencies that distribute publications at no cost to the depository library. |
N/A |
Purchase Order | List of items created by the library to be submitted to a vendor. | Each group of items that you plan to order from a vendor. |
Two options: 1a. Place an order with the vendor. 1b. Track the order through WorldShare Acquisitions.
2a. Place an order in WorldShare Acquisitions. 2b. Notify the vendor through WorldShare Acquisitions. |
Placing an order in WorldShare Acquisitions encumbers funds. Funds are expended when the invoice is paid. |
Standing Order |
List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items belonging to a series or specific publication. Use standing orders only when the items in the series are cataloged separately (each having a unique bibliographic record). If you are using a single bibliographic record for the series or publication, do not create a Standing Order. Add the item to a Purchase Order using the processing type Serial. |
Each book series or publication received from a vendor as new titles or editions are published. The Standing Order name should reflect the name of the publication or series (for example, Literary Marketplace or Methods in Enzymology). |
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget from which funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid. |