OCLC Support

About Acquisitions

Find an overview of the interface and the features available in WorldShare Acquisitions.

WorldShare Acquisitions facilitates the ordering, receiving, and processing of physical and electronic items. WorldShare Acquisitions supports the following functions:

  • Discovering items to order (including adding copies of and placing holds on items)
  • Ordering physical and electronic items
  • Receiving and invoicing items
  • Managing budgets and funds
  • Managing vendors

WorldShare Acquisitions integrates with the other functions of OCLC WorldShare Management Services (WMS).

The WorldShare interface, with the Acquisitions module selected. All of the Acquisitions menus are visible. These menus are listed in order below the screenshot.






















  • Discover Items: Search for, order, and add copies of an item. Place holds on an item.
  • Discover Collections: Search for, order, and add copies of an e-resource.
  • Local Resources: Search for, order, and add copies of a local resource.
  • Purchase Requests: Search for and request items, and view pending and approved purchase requests.
  • Orders: Create, search for, or browse orders.
  • Serial Issues: Track and claim missing serial issues.
  • Receive and Invoice: Receive items and create invoices. Process open invoices. Download labels for received items.
  • Invoices: Create and edit invoices. 
  • Budgets: Create and edit budgets and funds.
  • Vendors: Create and edit vendor information.
  • Automated Jobs: Create and edit automated jobs for file retrieval and import.
  • My Labels: Create and edit spine labels and label print lists.
  • Legal Deposit Receipts: Create and manage legal deposit receipts.
  • Settings. Manage institution settings, user preferences, custom fields settings, administrative settings, and exchange rates.