OCLC Support

Data sources

Find a list of data sources for WorldCat registry users.

WorldCat registry has been pre-populated with profiles for many institutions worldwide. These include libraries and consortia that are members of the OCLC cooperative; profiles for these institutions have been automatically generated using information previously provided to OCLC.

Profiles for many institutions and consortia outside the OCLC cooperative have also been generated. Data for these profiles has been generously provided by:

The following organizations and Web sites have committed to add further information Libraries.fi (Finland) and Libweb (worldwide).

OCLC gratefully acknowledges and thanks these organizations for their contributions.

 Note: Registry profiles that were automatically generated from existing data may be incomplete. Institutions that are members of the OCLC cooperative or that have previously contributed information to one of these external sources should review the auto-generated profile and establish an authorized WorldCat registry user account. Update existing data as necessary and fill in any missing information.

Your participation in the WorldCat registry and continued maintenance of registry data spreads awareness of institutional collections on the Web and helps create more opportunities for discovery, use and appreciation of your content and services. Thank you!