Technical Bulletin 268
About Technical Bulletin 268
Why read this?
To learn about changes to OCLC-MARC records, many of which are related to Resource Description Access (RDA). These changes are based on:
- MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data Update 25 (December 2017)
- MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data Update 26 (April 2018)
- MARC 21 Format for Authority Data Update 25 (December 2017)
- MARC 21 Format for Authority Data Update 26 (April 2018)
- MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data Update 25 (December 2017)
- MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data Update 26 (April 2018)
- MARC Code List Technical Notices
- Comments and requests from OCLC users and staff
Record processing information
All sections describe changes that may affect local system processing of OCLC-MARC records.
Route to
Cataloging and local system or automation staff.
Online installation
September 2018, unless otherwise noted. Installation of this OCLC-MARC Update will be announced via logon Messages of the Day, Connexion News, and the OCLC-CAT discussion list.
OCLC strongly recommends not using new capabilities, new fields and subfields, new indicators, new practices, and new codes until OCLC announces that they may be used.
New fields, subfields, and indicators: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.
Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not use the authority format changes in Authority Record Changes at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records at a future date.
New codes: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.
New searching and indexing capabilities: All new searching and indexing capabilities will be available in both Connexion interfaces (client and browser) in the future. OCLC will announce availability via logon Messages of the Day, Connexion News, and the OCLC-CAT discussion list. After installation, all indexing changes will gradually become apparent as WorldCat is re-indexed.
Database scans
OCLC will convert, or has converted, data to their new formats where appropriate to the extent that is possible.
Contact OCLC for support in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm U.S. Eastern time, Monday through Friday
USA: 1-800-848-5800
International: 1-614-793-8682
Documentation affected
Authorities: Format and indexes, Bibliographic Formats and Standards, OCLC local holdings format and standards, OCLC-MARC local holdings format tag chart, OCLC-MARC records, and Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Throughout the technical bulletin, R = Repeatable and NR = Nonrepeatable. The blank character may be represented as .
Bibliographic Record Changes
Leader/17 Encoding Level (OCLC Fixed Field: ELvl) (NR)
Code invalidated | L | Full-level input added from a batch process |
243 Collective Uniform Title (NR)
1st indicators invalidated | 7 | Works (UKMARC defined). United Kingdom library use only. |
8 | Selections (UKMARC defined). United Kingdom library use only. | |
9 | Other Collective Titles (UKMARC defined). United Kingdom library use only. |
257 Country of Producing Entity (R)
Field definition and scope revised | Name or abbreviation of the name of the country(s), area(s), etc. where the principal offices of the producing entity(s) of a resource are located. Entity(s) in this instance is the production company(s) or individual that is named in the statement of responsibility (subfield ‡c) of field 245 (Title Statement). The inclusion of countries, areas, etc. in this field do not express any opinion concerning the legal status of the entity. | |
Subfield definition revised | ‡a | Country of producing entity (R) Name or abbreviation of the name of the country(s), area(s), etc. where the principal offices of the producing entity(s) of a resource are located. |
New subfield | ‡1 | Real World Object URI (R) For more information about subfield ‡1, see Subfield ‡1 (Real World Object URI (R)). |
382 Medium of Performance (R)
Subfield definition revised | ‡r | Total number of individuals performing alongside ensembles (NR) The total number of individual performers given in all instances of subfield ‡a and subfield ‡b needed to perform in the musical work/expression alongside one or more ensembles. Use subfield ‡s to record total number of individual performers when no ensembles are involved. |
384 Key (R)
Field repeatability changed | Key (R). Formerly, (NR) The set of pitch relationships that establishes a single pitch class as a tonal center for a musical work or expression. May be used to differentiate a musical work from another with the same title. |
New subfield | ‡3 | Materials specified (NR) Part of the described material to which the field applies. |
600 Subject Added Entry - Personal Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
610 Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
611 Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
630 Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
650 Subject Added Entry - Topical Term (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
651 Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
690 Local Subject Added Entry - Topical Term (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
691 Local Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
696 Local Subject Added Entry - Personal Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
697 Local Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
698 Local Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
699 Local Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title (R)
2nd indicator invalidated | 8 | Sears List of Subject Headings Sears List of Subject Headings should now be coded through the use of Second Indicator '7' and subfield ‡2 coded 'sears'. All instances of this Second Indicator value '8' in WorldCat have been converted. |
730 Added Entry - Uniform Title (R)
New subfield | ‡4 | Relationship (R) Code or URI that specifies the relationship from the entity described in the record to the entity referenced in the field. For more information about subfield ‡4, see Control Subfields. |
758 Resource Identifier (R)
New field | ||
定義 | An identifier for a resource that is either the resource described in the bibliographic record or a resource to which it is related. Resources thus identified may include, but are not limited to, FRBR works, expressions, manifestations, and items. The field does not prescribe a particular content standard or data model. | |
1st indicator | ![]() |
Undefined |
2nd indicator | ![]() |
Undefined |
Subfields | ‡a | Label (NR) A name, title, or other human-readable designation for a resource. This subfield serves a purpose, similar to properties such as rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel and may be mapped to them. The corresponding standard number or identifier, if available, is given in subfield ‡0. |
‡i | Relationship information (R) Designation of a relationship between the resource described in field 758 and the resource described in the 1XX/245 of the record. This may be in the form of uncontrolled text or a controlled text value. |
‡0 | Authority record control number or standard number (R) For more information about subfield ‡0, see Control Subfields. |
‡1 | Real World Object URI (R) For more information about subfield ‡1, see Subfield ‡1 (Real World Object URI (R)). |
‡3 | Materials specified (NR) For more information about subfield ‡3, see Control Subfields. |
‡4 | Relationship (R) For more information about subfield ‡4, see Control Subfields. |
‡5 | Institution to which field applies (NR) For more information about subfield ‡5, see Control Subfields. |
‡6 | Linkage (NR) For more information about subfield ‡6, see Control Subfields. |
‡8 | Field link and sequence number (R) For more information about subfield ‡8, see Control Subfields. |
777 Issued With Entry (R)
New subfields | ‡r | Report number (R) Report number from field 088 (Report Number) of the related record. |
‡u | Standard Technical Report Number (NR) Standard Technical Report Number from field 027 (Standard Technical Report Number) of the related record. Note: The initialism STRN: that precedes the number is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the presence of subfield ‡u. |
‡z | International Standard Book Number (R) ISBN from field 020 (International Standard Book Number) in the related record. The ISBN is an agency-assigned data element. Note: The initialism ISBN that precedes the number is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the presence of subfield ‡z. |
Subfield ‡d (Date of Meeting or Treaty Signing (R))
Subfield renamed and redefined | ‡d | Date of Meeting or Treaty Signing (R) For more information about subfield ‡d, see Meeting Names--General Information. Subfield ‡d had been previously defined as "Date of Meeting (NR)" in the following Bibliographic fields: 111 (Main Entry-Meeting Name) 611 (Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 698 (Local Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 711 (Added Entry-Meeting Name) 792 (Local Added Entry-Meeting Name) 798 (Local Added Entry-Meeting Name) 811 (Series Added Entry-Meeting Name) 898 (Local Series Added Entry-Meeting Name) |
Subfield ‡s (Version (R))
Field repeatability changed | Version (R). Formerly, (NR) Subfield ‡s was changed from nonrepeatable to repeatable in the following Bibliographic fields: 130 (Main Entry-Uniform Title) 240 (Uniform Title) 243 (Collective Uniform Title) 600 (Subject Added Entry-Personal Name) 610 (Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name) 611 (Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 630 (Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title) 696 (Local Subject Added Entry-Personal Name) 697 (Local Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name) 698 (Local Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 699 (Local Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title) 700 (Added Entry-Personal Name) 710 (Added Entry-Corporate Name) 711 (Added Entry-Meeting Name) 730 (Added Entry-Uniform Title) 790 (Local Added Entry-Personal Name) 791 (Local Added Entry-Corporate Name) 792 (Local Added Entry-Meeting Name) 793 (Local Added Entry-Uniform Title) 796 (Local Added Entry-Personal Name) 797 (Local Added Entry-Corporate Name) 798 (Local Added Entry-Meeting Name) 799 (Local Added Entry-Uniform Title) 800 (Series Added Entry-Personal Name) 810 (Series Added Entry-Corporate Name) 811 (Series Added Entry-Meeting Name) 830 (Series Added Entry-Uniform Title) 896 (Local Series Added Entry-Personal Name) 897 (Local Series Added Entry-Corporate Name) 898 (Local Series Added Entry-Meeting Name) 899 (Local Series Added Entry-Uniform Title) |
Subfield ‡0 Authority Record Control Number or Standard Number (R))
Field definition revised | Subfield ǂ0 contains the system control number of the related authority or classification record, or a standard identifier such as an International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI). These identifiers may be in the form of text or a URI. If the identifier is text, the control number or identifier is preceded by the applicable MARC Organization code (for a related authority record) or the Standard Identifier source code (for a standard identifier scheme), enclosed in parentheses. When the identifier is given in the form of a Web retrieval protocol, e.g., HTTP URI, no preceding parenthetical is used. Subfield ‡0 may contain a URI that identifies a name or label for an entity. When dereferenced, the URI points to information describing that name. A URI that directly identifies the entity itself is contained in subfield ‡1. For a listing of organization codes, see MARC Code List for Organizations (, which also includes links to Canadian, United Kingdom, and German MARC Organization Code lists. For a listing of standard identifiers, see Standard Identifier Source Codes ( Subfield ǂ0 is repeatable for different control numbers or identifiers. Subfield ǂ0 usually appears with other control subfields grouped at the end of the field. Use of OCLC's control headings functionality in the 1xx, 7xx, and 8xx descriptive access point fields and in the 6xx subject access point fields will remove all instances of subfield ǂ0 in the case of names and subjects controlled to the LC/NACO and LCSH authority files. For access point fields where the control heading functionality is available related to other authority files, the control headings functionality will remove all instances of subfield ǂ0 other than the one linking to the authority record to which the access point is controlled. Use of OCLC's control headings functionality is preferable to manually entering subfield ǂ0 in cases where the access point can be controlled to a particular authority file. You may enter other applicable identifiers in subfield ǂ0 such as the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) or the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) in access points which are not controlled to any associated authority file record. However, such identifiers will be removed if the access point is subsequently controlled to a record in an associated authority file. Local authority record control numbers may be entered in subfield ǂ0 locally. Do not add local authority record control numbers to master records in WorldCat. Subfield ǂ0 is valid in the following fields: 033, 034, 043, 050, 052, 055, 060, 070, 080, 084, 085, 086, 100, 110, 111, 130, 240, 340, 344, 345, 346, 347, 370, 380, 381, 382, 385, 386, 388, 518, 567, 600, 610, 611, 630, 647, 648, 650, 651, 654, 655, 656, 657, 662, 700, 710, 711, 730, 751, 752, 754, 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 810, 811, 830, 880, 883, 885, 896, 897, 898, and 899. Additionally, subfield ǂ0 can be used in fields 901-907 and 945-949, either in accord with its control subfield definition or as a locally-defined subfield. |
Subfield ‡1 (Real World Object URI (R))
New subfield | ‡1 | Real World Object URI (R) Subfield ‡1 contains a URI that identifies a description of an entity, sometimes referred to as a Thing, a Real World Object, or RWO, whether actual or conceptual. When dereferenced, the URI points to a description of that entity. A URI that identifies a name or label for an entity is contained in subfield ‡0. |
Added to these fields | 033 (Date/Time and Place of an Event) 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data) 043 (Geographic Area Code) 050 (Library of Congress Call Number) 052 (Geographic Classification) 055 (Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada) 060 (National Library of Medicine Call Number) 070 (National Agricultural Library Call Number) 080 (Universal Decimal Classification Number) 084 (Other Classification Number) 085 (Synthesized Classification Number Components) 086 (Government Document Classification Number) 100 (Main Entry-Personal Name) 110 (Main Entry-Corporate Name) 111 (Main Entry-Meeting Name) 130 (Main Entry-Uniform Title) 240 (Uniform Title) 257 (Country of Producing Entity) 336 (Content Type) 337 (Media Type) 338 (Carrier Type) 340 (Physical Medium) 344 (Sound Characteristics) 345 (Projection Characteristics of Moving Image) 346 (Video Characteristics) 347 (Digital File Characteristics) 348 (Format of Notated Music) 370 (Associated Place) 377 (Associated Language) 380 (Form of Work) 381 (Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression) 382 (Medium of Performance) 385 (Audience Characteristics) 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) 388 (Time Period of Creation) 518 (Date/Time and Place of an Event Note) 567 (Methodology Note) 600 (Subject Added Entry-Personal Name) 610 (Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name) 611 (Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 630 (Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title) 647 (Subject Added Entry-Named Event) 648 (Subject Added Entry-Chronological Term) 650 (Subject Added Entry-Topical Term) 651 (Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name) 654 (Subject Added Entry-Faceted Topical Terms) 655 (Index Term-Genre/Form) 656 (Index Term-Occupation) 657 (Index Term-Function) 662 (Subject Added Entry-Hierarchical Place Name) 690 (Local Subject Added Entry-Topical Term) 691 (Local Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name) 696 (Local Subject Added Entry-Personal Name) 697 (Local Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name) 698 (Local Subject Added Entry-Meeting Name) 699 (Local Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title) 700 (Added Entry-Personal Name) 710 (Added Entry-Corporate Name) 711 (Added Entry-Meeting Name) 730 (Added Entry-Uniform Title) 751 (Added Entry-Geographic Name) 752 (Added Entry-Hierarchical Place Name) 753 (System Details Access to Computer Files) 754 (Added Entry-Taxonomic Identification) 790 (Local Added Entry--Personal Name) 791 (Local Added Entry--Corporate Name) 792 (Local Added Entry--Meeting Name) 793 (Local Added Entry--Uniform Title) 796 (Local Added Entry--Personal Name) 797 (Local Added Entry--Corporate Name) 798 (Local Added Entry--Meeting Name) 799 (Local Added Entry--Uniform Title 800 (Series Added Entry-Personal Name) 810 (Series Added Entry-Corporate Name) 811 (Series Added Entry-Meeting Name) 830 (Series Added Entry-Uniform Title) 880 (Alternate Graphic Representation) 883 (Machine-generated Metadata Provenance) 885 (Matching Information) 896 (Local Series Added Entry--Personal Name) 897 (Local Series Added Entry--Corporate Name) 898 (Local Series Added Entry--Meeting Name) 899 (Local Series Added Entry--Uniform Title) 901-907 (Local Data) 945-949 (Local Data) |
Subfield ‡3 (Materials Specified (NR))
New subfield | ‡3 | Materials Specified (NR) Part of the described materials to which the field applies. |
Added to these fields | 377 (Associated Language) 380 (Form of Work) 381 (Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression) 383 (Numeric Designation of Musical Work) |
Authority Record Changes
Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not use the authority format changes listed below at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records at a future date.
382 Medium of Performance (R)
Subfield definition revised | ‡r | Total number of individuals performing alongside ensembles (NR) The total number of individual performers given in all instances of subfield ‡a and subfield ‡b needed to perform in the musical work/expression alongside one or more ensembles. Use subfield ‡s to record total number of individual performers when no ensembles are involved. |
Subfield ‡d (Date of Meeting or Treaty Signing (R))
Subfield renamed and redefined | ‡d | Date of Meeting or Treaty Signing (R) For more information about subfield ‡d, see Meeting Names--General Information. Subfield ‡d had been previously defined as "Date of Meeting (NR)" in the following Authority fields: 111 (Heading-Meeting Name) 411 (See From Tracing-Meeting Name) 511 (See Also From Tracing-Meeting Name) 711 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Meeting Name) |
Subfield ‡s (Version (R))
Field repeatability changed | Version (R). Formerly, (NR) Subfield ‡s was changed from nonrepeatable to repeatable in the following Bibliographic fields: 100 (Heading-Uniform Title) 110 (Heading-Corporate Name) 111 (Heading-Meeting Name) 130 (Heading-Uniform Title) 400 (See From Tracing-Personal Name) 410 (See From Tracing-Corporate Name) 411 (See From Tracing-Meeting Name) 430 (See From Tracing-Uniform Title) 500 (See Also From Tracing-Personal Name) 510 (See Also From Tracing-Corporate Name) 511 (See Also From Tracing-Meeting Name) 530 (See Also From Tracing-Uniform Title) 700 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Personal Name) 710 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Corporate Name) 711 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Meeting Name) 730 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Uniform Title) |
Subfield ‡1 (Real World Object URI (R))
New subfield | ‡1 | Real World Object URI (R) Subfield ‡1 contains a URI that identifies a description of an entity, sometimes referred to as a Thing, a Real World Object, or RWO, whether actual or conceptual. When dereferenced, the URI points to a description of that entity. A URI that identifies a name or label for an entity is contained in subfield ‡0. |
Added to these fields | 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data) 043 (Geographic Area Code) 050 (Library of Congress Call Number) 052 (Geographic Classification) 053 (LC Classification Number) 055 (Library and Archives Canada Call Number) 060 (National Library of Medicine Call Number) 065 (Other Classification Number) 070 (National Agricultural Library Call Number) 075 (Type of Entity) 080 (Universal Decimal Classification Number) 087 (Government Document Classification Number) 260 (Complex See Reference-Subject) 336 (Content Type) 348 (Format of Notated Music) 360 (Complex See Also Reference-Subject) 368 (Other Corporate Body Attributes) 370 (Associated Place) 372 (Field of Activity) 373 (Associated Group) 374 (Occupation) 376 (Family Information) 377 (Associated Language) 380 (Form of Work) 381 (Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression) 382 (Medium of Performance) 385 (Audience Characteristics) 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) 388 (Time Period of Creation) 500 (See Also From Tracing-Personal Name) 510 (See Also From Tracing-Corporate Name) 511 (See Also From Tracing-Meeting Name) 530 (See Also From Tracing-Uniform Title) 547 (See Also From Tracing-Named Event) 548 (See Also From Tracing-Chronological Term) 550 (See Also From Tracing-Topical Term) 551 (See Also From Tracing-Geographic Name) 555 (See Also From Tracing-Genre/Form Term) 562 (See Also From Tracing-Medium of Performance Term) 580 (See Also From Tracing-General Subdivision) 581 (See Also From Tracing-Geographic Subdivision) 582 (See Also From Tracing-Chronological Subdivision) 585 (See Also From Tracing-Form Subdivision) 672 (Title Related to the Entity) 673 (Title Not Related to the Entity) 700 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Personal Name) 710 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Corporate Name) 711 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Meeting Name) 730 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Uniform Title) 747 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Named Event) 748 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Chronological Term) 750 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Topical Term) 751 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Geographic Name) 755 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Genre/Form Term) 762 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Medium of Performance Term) 780 (Established Heading Linking Entry-General Subdivision) 781 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Geographic Subdivision) 782 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Chronological Subdivision) 785 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Form Subdivision) 883 (Machine-generated Metadata Provenance) 885 (Matching Information) |
Holdings Record Changes
Subfield ‡1 (Real World Object URI (R))
New subfield | ‡1 | Real World Object URI (R) Subfield ‡1 contains a URI that identifies a description of an entity, sometimes referred to as a Thing, a Real World Object, or RWO, whether actual or conceptual. When dereferenced, the URI points to a description of that entity. A URI that identifies a name or label for an entity is contained in subfield ‡0. |
Added to these fields | 337 (Media Type) 338 (Carrier Type) 347 (Digital File Characteristics) 883 (Machine-generated Metadata Provenance) |
MARC Code List Changes
Availability of codes in Record Manager and Connexion interfaces
New codes: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.
New Cartographic Data Source Codes
Cartographic data source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 034 ‡2 |
Authority | 034 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see MARC Cartographic Data Source Code List (
new code | bibliographic citation |
margaz | Marine Gazetteer ( |
New Classification Scheme Source Codes
Classification scheme source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 052 ‡2 055 ‡2 084 ‡2 086 ‡2 852 ‡2 |
Authority | 052 ‡2 065 ‡2 086 ‡2 087 ‡2 |
Holdings | 852 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Classification Scheme Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
dhb-jdgklass | Duetsche Historische Bibliografie - Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte - Klassifikation (Bibliography of German History - Annual Bibliography on German History - Classification) ( |
dk5s | DK5 Systematik (Dansk BiblioteksCenter) |
geothes | GEOTHES Geographical Classification Scheme (Albuquerque, NM: Access Innovations, Inc.) |
scia | Schema di classificazione infanzia e adolescenza (Centro nazionale di documentazione e analisi per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza) ( |
New Country Codes
Country codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 008/15-17 044 535 ‡g 775 ‡f 851 ‡g |
Holdings | 852 ‡n |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see MARC Code List for Countries (
new code | bibliographic citation |
gg | Guernsey |
im | Isle of Man |
je | Jersey |
New Description Convention Source Codes
Description convention source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 040 ‡e |
Authority | 040 ‡e |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Description Convention Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
nmxcmdf | Norma Mexicana NMX-R-069-SCFI-2016: Documentos Fotográficos-Lineamientos para su Catalogación (México. Secretaría de Economía. Dirección General de Normas) ( |
New Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes
Genre/Form code and term source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 336 ‡2 337 ‡2 338 ‡2 655 ‡2 |
Authority | 040 ‡f 336 ‡2 755 ‡2 785 ‡2 |
Holdings | 337 ‡2 338 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
cck | Centrale catalogus kaarten |
gtmm | Robson, Diane; Yanowski, Kevin & Sassen, Catherine. Genre Terms for makerspace materials ( |
gttg | Robson, Diane; Yanowski, Kevin & Sassen, Catherine. Genre terms for tabletop games (Denton, Texas: University of North Texas Libraries) ( |
olacvggt | OLAC Video Game Genre Terms |
New Geographic Area Codes
Geographic area codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 043 |
Authority | 043 |
Holdings | 043 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see MARC Code List for Geographic Areas (
new code | bibliographic citation |
e-gg | Guernsey |
e-im | Isle of Man |
e-je | Jersey |
New Holding Scheme Source Codes
Holding scheme source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 866 ‡2 867 ‡2 868 ‡2 |
Holdings | 866 ‡2 867 ‡2 868 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Holding Scheme Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
usnp | Butler, Todd. The newspaper cataloging and union listing manual ([Washington, D.C.]: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 1990) |
New Language Codes
Language codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 008/35-37 040 ‡b 041 242 ‡y 775 ‡e |
Authority | 040 ‡b 377 ‡a |
Holdings | 008/22-24 040 ‡b |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see MARC Code List for Languages (
new code | Language name | previously coded |
cnr | Montenegrin | srp |
New MARC Authentication Action Codes
MARC authentication action codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 042 ‡a |
Authority | 042 ‡a |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see MARC Authentication Action Code List (
new code | bibliographic citation |
gndz | GND protected record Code gndz signifies that the record is part of the Integrated Authority File (GND - Gemeinsame Normdatei (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)) and that it is protected from editing or updating. |
New Name and Title Authority Source Codes
Name and title authority source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 600, 610, 611, 630, 647, 648, 650, 651 ‡2 654, 662 ‡2 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 ‡2 751 ‡2 752 ‡2 |
Authority | 700, 710, 711, 730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Name and Title Authority Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
cerlt | CERL thesaurus ( |
nta | Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) ( |
New Standard Identifier Source Codes
Standard identifier source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 024 ‡2 |
Authority | 024 ‡2 |
Holdings | 024 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Standard Identifier Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
bigenc | Большая российская энциклопедия = Bol'shai͡a rossiĭskai͡a ėnt͡siklopedii͡a (Great Russian Encyclopedia) (︠a︡ rossiĭskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡ (Great Russian Encyclopedia) |
bpn | Biografisch Portaal van Nederland = Biography portal of the Netherlands ( and |
cana | Canadiana Authorities (Library and Archives Canada) ( |
cbwpid | Collective Biographies of Women Persons ID ( |
cnbksy | Quan Guo Bao Kan Suo Yin (CNBKSY) ( |
fisa | FIS Athlete ( |
goodra | Goodreads Author ID ( |
iaafa | IAAF Athletes (International Association of Athletics Federations) ( |
isbnsbn | Identificativo SBN (Servizio bibliotecario nazionale) ( |
lattes | Currículo Lattes ( |
nacat | National Archives Catalog (Washington, D.C.: National Archives) |
permid | PermID ( |
pnta | Personen uit de Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen ( |
vgmdb | VGMdb artists ( |
xgamea | X Games Athletes ( |
ysopai | YSO-paikat |
New Subject Heading and Term Source Codes
Subject heading and term source codes are located in these fields:
format | field/subfield |
Bibliographic | 033 ‡2 257 ‡2 380 ‡2 381 ‡2 518 ‡2 600, 610, 611, 630, 647, 648, 650, 651 ‡2 654 ‡2 662 ‡2 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 ‡2 751 ‡2 752 ‡2 |
Authority | 040 ‡f 370 ‡2 372 ‡2 373 ‡2 376 ‡2 380 ‡2 381 ‡2 700, 710, 711, 730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788 ‡2 |
Below are the new codes. For the full list, see Subject Heading and Term Source Codes (
new code | bibliographic citation |
dbcsh | DBC Subject Headings (Dansk BiblioteksCenter) ( |
dhb-jdg | Deutsche Historische Bibliografie - Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte - Schlagwörter (Bibliography of German History - Annual Bibliography on German History - Subject Headings) ( |
etuesh | TOBB ETU English Subject Headings = TOBB ETÜ İngilizce Konu Başlıkları (TOBB University of Economics and Technology) ( |
etuturkob | TOBB ETU Turkish Subject Headings = TOBB ETÜ Türkçe Konu Başlıkları (TOBB University of Economics and Technology) ( |
iptcnc | IPTC NewsCodes (International Press Telecommunications Council) |
stcv | Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen (Short Title Catalogue Flanders) ( |
trfdh | Lokale trefwoorden OB Den Haag |
unicefirc | International Children's Rights Thesaurus (UNICEF- Innocenti Research Centre) ( |