Cataloging defensively
Find past Cataloging Defensively presentations, which provide background to how OCLC’s Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) software deals with bibliographic records, both generally and for the specific bibliographic format in the title.
The Cataloging Defensively presentations are not cataloging workshops, per se, but are designed to give some background to how OCLC’s Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) software deals with bibliographic records, both generally and for the specific bibliographic format in the title. They should help catalogers use MARC 21 and the instructions in both RDA and AACR2 to the best advantage in making sure that DDR performs appropriately when encountering a record that is legitimately unique according to the descriptive conventions.
Topic | Date | 說明 |
Cataloging Rare Materials Defensively (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging Rare Materials Defensively (PDF) |
6 June 2023 15 June 2023 |
This presentation was part of the Virtual AskQC Office Hours. |
Cataloging defensively with edition statements (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging defensively with edition statements (PDF) |
28 February 2018 | This presentation was part of the Virtual AskQC Office Hours. |
Cataloging scores defensively (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging scores defensively (PDF) |
22 February 2017 | Cataloging Scores Defensively, a presentation for the Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG) meeting. |
Cataloging maps defensively: "When to input a new record" in the age of DDR (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging maps defensively: "When to input a new record" in the age of DDR (PDF) |
24 June 2016 | “When to Input a New Record” in the Age of DDR was a presentation to the ALCTS-CaMMS/MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group at ALA Annual 2016 in Orlando, Florida. |
Cataloging videorecordings defensively: "When to input a record" in the age of DDR (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging videorecordings defensively: "When to input a new record" in the age of DDR (PDF) |
24 June 2016 | "Cataloging Videorecordings Defensively: ‘When to Input a New Record’ in the Age of DDR” was a presentation to the Online Audiovisual Catalogers Membership Meeting, ALA Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2016 June 24. |
Cataloging sound recordings defensively (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging sound recordings defensively (PDF) |
02 March 2016 | Cataloging Sound Recordings Defensively: “When to Input a New Record” in the Age of DDR, a presentation for the Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG) meeting in conjunction with the Music Library Association (MLA) conference. |
Cataloging maps defensively (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging maps defensively (PDF) |
10 January 2016 | Cataloging Maps Defensively: “When to Input a New Record” in the Age of DDR, a presentation for the MAGIRT Cataloging and Classification Committee meeting. |
Cataloging defensively: "When to input a new record" in the age of DDR (Microsoft PowerPoint) Cataloging defensively: "When to input a new record" in the age of DDR (PDF) |
28 October 2010 | During the session, Jay Weitz, OCLC, discusses the importance of creating a new WorldCat record that distinguishes itself from others. |