OCLC Support

Suspend your location as a lender

Some systems do not allow members to suspend themselves. If this is the case, you will need to contact your Help Desk to have them suspend your library. If your library will not be able to participate in interlibrary loan as a lender for a period of time, you can temporarily suspend your library as a lender. It is a good idea to do this if you know you will not be able to deal with requests for a time as it will prevent requests being sent to your library from other NRE/VDX users on your system.

1. Enter the Location area of NRE/VDX by clicking Locations in the menu bar.

Then click the Edit Own link at the top of the screen:

2. Midway down the page, below your library’s name and address details, you can set your ILL unit’s open and closed days. Set Yes for the day your ILL Department is open and No for when it is closed.

3. You can also define or edit any forthcoming holidays:

4. You can add a Suspension period by clicking New Holiday.

5. You should enter a description, choose a start date and end date by clicking the calendar controls, and choose a suspension type from the Closure Type drop-down, and then click Save & Close.

No requests from libraries within your NRE/VDX system will be sent to the library during the suspension period.

The Closure types are:


Used only for holidays to indicate that your library is open on that holiday and that NRE/VDX should include that day when determining the date by which a request will expire.


Used only for holidays to indicate that your library is closed on that day and that NRE/VDX should not count that day when determining

the date by which a request will expire.

Suspended – No Requesting

Used when you want to exclude your library from receiving requests for a period of time. Choosing this option will also prevent your own users from creating borrowing requests for that period.

Suspended – Requesting OK

Used when you want to exclude your library from receiving requests

for a period of time. Choosing this option will allow your users to create borrowing requests during that period of time.