OCLC Support

Other OCLC services that interact with smart fulfillment

Find information about how the WorldCat knowledge base and Local holdings records (LHRs) interact with smart fulfillment features.

WorldCat knowledge base

The WorldCat knowledge base allows your library to track your current e-resource subscriptions. Once you configure your electronic holdings there, the staff interface of your ILL system (WorldShare ILL, Tipasa, or ILLiad) will surface article-level links to the requested content in the knowledge base along with any license terms for ILL use you have recorded. Additionally, smart lender strings look at a lender’s knowledge base holdings and do not assign requests when the holdings indicate that the lender does not hold the requested date or volume. 

Use the knowledge base coverage check to automatically respond No when a borrower requests an item from your WorldCat knowledge base that falls outside of your defined coverage range or license terms.

Access to the WorldCat knowledge base is available through WorldShare Collection Manager, and it is included in your existing OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription. To find out more and request access, fill out the form at oc.lc/getcm. 

Local holdings records 

Smart lender strings consider an institution’s coverage dates for print periodical titles to avoid sending requests to lenders that hold the needed title but not the needed volume or issue. The way this is accomplished for print serials is with LHRs. Using a data sync collection, your library can submit data to OCLC to add to your WorldCat holdings for your print serials titles. This informs other libraries about coverage ranges for each of your titles.