OCLC Support

Search catalogues overview

Find information about when and why requests would move to Search Manual.

Whether you are supplying or requesting an item, Relais allows you to remotely search Z39.50 library catalogues for possible matches.  Relais searches with two modes: Search Auto and Search Manual. Typically the first automated step for new requests is Search Auto and then under certain conditions, as outlined in the table below, requests move from there to Search Manual. 

Requests move to Search Manual when


No catalogue matches are found for a book via Auto Search. This may mean that there may be an error in the citation that you must verify.  There is also a possibility that the catalogs to which you are trying to connect were not available at the time of searching. 
Too many catalogue matches are found for a book via Auto Search. The citation given may be too broad and require refining.
The Request is for a journal article. All journal requests automatically move to Search Manual because there is no standard used by all libraries to show availability for Item and Holdings level details. Therefore, the search can not be automated and must be done manually before you can submit the request.
Your library is set up to bypass Search Auto. Although not recommended, some libraries have decided to review all incoming requests manually.  
They are rerouted from the Review Queue.  

To access AMICUS via Z39.50, it is necessary to first register with Library and Archives Canada.  See Configure catalogues, Amicus.