OCLC Support

NCIP CheckinItem Message

Find details about the NCIP CheckinItem message including possible error messages that may occur and actions to resolve them.

When the material is returned through Loan Tracking, Relais communicates with your library system via the NCIP CheckinItem message. CheckinItem allows Relais to tell your local library system to check in the item in the local library system. 

 Caution:  When patrons are returning ILL material - it may be returned and checked in at the circulation desk rather than the ILL Office. Once the material is transferred to the ILL office it MUST still be updated in Relais. There is currently no way for the local library system to update Relais about the return.

CheckinItem sends one piece of information:

  •  Item barcode   

 When the item is successfully checked in in the local library system the following occurs:

  • The item barcode is returned to Relais
  • Relais indicates that the check-in was successful.
  • Relais updates the loan tracking information for the request with this information

 If an error is encountered, the error message is communicated back to staff. Common errors include:

  • Item Not Checked Out
  • Unknown Item
Error 定義 Action to take
Item Not Checked Out The item has already been checked in. This happens most often if items loaned to your own patrons are checked in at the local circulation desk prior to being sent to the ILL office. No action to take. The item is marked as returned in Relais.
Unknown Item The item to be checked in cannot be found. This can happen if brief items are deleted upon check-in and that item was checked in at the local circulation desk prior to being sent to the ILL office. No action to take. The item is marked as returned in Relais.