OCLC Support

Relais D2D updates

Find information about recent updates to Relais D2D.

Discovery 3.4 - November 13, 2019

These features will be turned off upon the update. Submit a ticket to Relais support in order to have your systems configured to expose these features to your users.


Ability to limit the pickup locations that display to a user by patron type.

Feature Ability to offer a ‘Mail to home’ delivery method to users.
Feature Ability to configure catalog ‘groups’. This allows for multiple small subsets of catalog targets to be searched by users.

Discovery 3.1 - Jan 9, 2019 


Ability to configure a link to an institution’s privacy notice (e.g. GDPR notice) for display on the login page and/or within the footer sections of the Discovery pages.

Discovery 2.1.4 (Discovery web services only) - Mar 18, 2016 

 2689   Feature

In the Find Item web service include the number of records retrieved in the response

Discovery 2.1.3 - Feb 22, 2016 

 2615   Feature

Allow a consortium member to limit the number of requests received per day from all other member libraries for items in a specific shelving location or locations.


Discovery 2.1.2 - Jan 19, 2016

 2549   Feature

For FindItem logging of results is introduced. This allows us to track how frequently multiple records are retrieved for an exact query and what query generated the result.


Discovery 2.1.1 - Dec 10, 2015


The patron sees a blank screen below the header on the results list in Discovery.  This is due to an issue with pazpar2 running out of resources which requires a re-start of the service.


The ability to configure css files and logo by library.  Currently these are configured at the system level.  


Portal 2.4 hotfix 4 - Nov 13, 2015

The following two issues are resolved

2323 28720 Change

Editing Request Messes Up "Pickup Location"

2227 28705/28699 Bug  Requests showing "NULL NULL" for author 


Discovery 2.1 - Nov 10, 2015

2233 Change

When configuring requestability for items from a ‘shared catalog’, allow each of libraries using the shared catalog to determine which library’s items are locally available to their patrons rather than consortially requestable.

2227 Bug In the Find item web service, an incorrect value for Available was being returned, i.e., false was returned for items that were in fact available in the consortium
2253 Change For libraries that use ILLiad for request management, use the call number and location for the first location in the OCLC lender string when building the Open URL for a consortium request..
2276 Feature

For libraries that use Relais D2D for request management, support the ability to hide specific pickup locations in the drop down list.

Discovery 2.0 hotfix - Nov 4, 2015 

2255 Change

Sort the list of pickup locations by pickup location description.



In the requestability grid display a more accurate message to the patron when an item is not requestable locally. Currently when an item is held locally but not requestable locally, the message displayed is Locally Available. This will be changed to use a text string from the catalog, e.g., checked out, due date:



The patron name and surname are not displaying on the bookband

Discovery 2.0

Highlights of new functionality and new options for libraries in Discovery 2.0 

  • Migration of Requestability (formerly Check Availability) and associated services to the new Relais web platform using Java 1.8.  No parts of Relais D2D will be running in the old Java 1.4.2 environment.

This means that libraries that have been prevented from updating local security certificates because of the old version of Java that was running previously will now be able to update their certificates. 

For example, better handling records that do not include call numbers so that they can be included in the Requestability logic. 

For example, configuration of a specific message and link for electronic resources that are held by other consortium members.

  • For libraries that are using ILLiad for request management,
    • Support for more than five OCLC symbols in the lender string that is sent from Relais
    • Ability to handle OpenURLs to ILLiad that include a proxy
    • In the Discovery UI
      • Option to display the patron’s name and surname, first name only or to hide this information.  The default is to display the patron’s name and surname.
      • Option to hide the My Account link or point to a different url.  The default is to display the My Account link pointing to the Relais Portal - My Account page.
      • Ability to configure the message that displays when no results are found and to configure the links to request a copy or loan. 
      • Enhanced security for passing patron credentials to Discovery.  This includes the option to use a public-key for asymmetric encryption as well as the option to call the Relais Authentication service to generate an ‘aid’ for use in the OpenURL to Discovery.