OCLC Support


NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol) is a North American standard which allows disparate library systems to talk to each other.  Find information about configuring Relais to communicate with your institution's library system via your NCIP server.
  • NCIP Overview
    Find an overview of the NCIP enabled ILL workflow as well as a list of library systems that Relais supports for NCIP integration.
  • Alma interoperability with Relais ILL and D2D
    Find information about alma interoperability with Relais ILL and D2D.
  • Configure your library system
    Find important information about configuring your library's NCIP server to enable NCIP between your library system and Relais.
  • Generic NCIP Testing
    Find information about testing Lookup User, CheckOIut, AcceptItem, and CheckIn.
  • NCIP AcceptItem message
    Find details about the NCIP AcceptItem message including possible error messages that may occur and actions to resolve them.
  • NCIP CheckinItem message
    Find details about the NCIP CheckinItem message including possible error messages that may occur and actions to resolve them.
  • NCIP Checkout Item message
    Find details about the NCIP CheckoutItem message including possible error messages that may occur and actions to resolve them.
  • NCIP Implementation Checklist
    Find a list of tasks that are involved in implementing NCIP with Relais.