OCLC Support


Find an overview of the process in Relais D2D, both for the patron and for staff.

Two models are supported for Relais D2D

  1. Requests are submitted to and managed in Relais 
  2. Requests are submitted to and managed in ILLiad or Relais ILL

The differences between these two models will be highlighted as appropriated.  

For the patron

As a consortial resource sharing solution, Relais D2D provides patrons the ability to search across multiple pre-configured library catalogs targets and select an item of interest.

At the time a title is selected Requestability determines whether or not this item is requestable.  

Depending on the response from Requestability one of three options is displayed to the patron based on the local library's configuration.  

  • A link to the item in the patron's local catalog
  • Submit a request to be filled from within the consortium
  • Submit a traditional ILL request. 

if using Relais for request management

  • Patrons may look at requests previously submitted using My Account
  • Patrons receive update emails throughout the life cycle of the requests (based on the local library's configuration).  See Messages to patrons for more information.
  • If for some reason a request that is submitted to the consortium cannot be filled, the patron receives an email with this information and a link to ILL

If using ILLiad for request management no requests are created in the Relais database, patrons can track their requests in ILLiad.  

Creating and distributing requests

When the patron submits a request to be filled within the consortium 

If using Relais request management 

  • A routing list is built that includes all consortium members from which the item is requestable
  • The routing list is load balanced
  • Tiers are applied (if configured)
  • Bookbands are emailed to or printed at the first location in the routing list

If using ILLiad request management

  • An OCLC lender string is built that includes all consortium members from which the item is requestable
  • The routing list is load balanced
  • Tiers are applied (if configured)
  • The request is created in the patron's local ILLiad system (using an ILLiad add-on the request is then routed to OCLC automatically)

For staff

If using Relais request management,

  • Staff use the Relais Portal to update requests as Ship Loan, Receive Loan, Return Loan, Complete Loan or Unfilled
  • If NCIP is enabled updates done via the Relais Portal update the local library system as appropriate

