Search/statistics is a service used to retrieve general statistics on an active search.
HTTP Method: GET
HTTP Header Content-Type: "application/json"
HTTP Header User-Agent: ${user-agent}
Standard HTTP clients (browser, HTTP client libraries, etc.) will automatically include its User-Agent value.
Search URL:
Search/Stat parameters
Example Call
Search status with "aid" and "query" parameters
- aid=12knsfd987234ldfd2
- query=ti%3D%22The%20Stranger%22%20and%20au%3D%22Albert%22%20an d%20au%3D%22Camus%22
{ ti="The Stranger" and au="Albert" and au="Camus" }
Status of a search for The Stranger by Albert Camus
The response from this service is a JSON document.
Successful response request
The following is a sample response for a successful request (HTTP status 200 OK):
{ "ActiveCatalog":0, "TotalItemCount":0, "CatalogsSearched":0, "CatalogsUnconnected":0, "CatalogsConnecting":0, "CatalogsWorking":0, "CatalogsIdle":0, "CatalogsFailed":0, "CatalogsError":0, "SearchProgress":0.0 }
Successful response glossary
Value Name | 定義 |
ActiveCatalog |
An integer value indicating the number of catalogs being actively searched. A value of 0 means that the search is complete. |
CatalogsConnecting | An integer value indicating the number of catalog connections currently in the connecting state. |
CatalogsError | An integer value indicating the number of catalog connections in an error state. |
CatalogsFailed | An integer value indicating the number of failed catalog connections. |
CatalogsIdle | An integer value indicating the number of catalog connections currently not in an idle state. |
CatalogsSearched | An integer value indicating the number of catalogs searched. |
CatalogsUnconnected | An integer value indicating the number of catalog connections currently not in a connected state. |
CatalogsWorking | An integer value indicating the number of catalog connections currently in the working state (searching, retrieving, etc.). |
SearchProgress |
A decimal value indicating the Progress of the current search. A value of 1.0 means that the search is complete. |
TotalItemCount | An integer value indicating the number of items from all catalogs. |
Unsuccessful response request
{ "Problem": { "Code": "PUBHG004", "Message": "Inactive search" } }
Problem codes and messages glossary
HTTP Status | Code | Type | Message |
400 Bad Request | PUBHG001, PUBSC002 | Public | Missing parameter |
401 Unauthorized | PUBSC004 | Public | Invalid aid |
401 Unauthorized | PUBSC006 | Public | User group not authorized to access the service |
412 Precondition Failed | PUBHG004 | Public | Inactive search |
500 Internal Server Error | PRIHG001, PRISC001 | Private | Internal error |