OCLC Support

What is the difference between WorldShare ILL and ILLiad?

  • What are the differences between ILLiad and WorldShare ILL?
Applies to
  • ILLiad
  • WorldShare ILL

Here are the differences in features between ILLiad and WorldShare ILL.

  1. Here are the ILLiad Features.  
  2. Here are the WorldShare ILL Features.
  3. With ILLiad, it is a dynamic database.  Because you can update a request from one Transaction Status to another even if the Transaction is already at Request Finished, ILLiad is more flexible on what you can do with your requests.  
  4. Also, because ILLiad is a dynamic database, the statistics you gather are a snapshot of what you see at that time.  If you go back to the same statistics in a month, they will most likely change because the database has changed.
  5. ILLiad also uses its own Database and you can run all kinds of queries that you want against the Database.
  6. ILLiad also needs more expertise.  You either need to have a Web Server Administrator and a SQL Server Administrator or OCLC will host your ILLiad site and help you with any of the functions that the Web Server Administrator and SQL Server Administrator would do.
  7. WorldShare requires less expertise.
  8. With WorldShare, it is a static database.  Once a request is updated, it cannot be changed.  Once a request is finished, it is closed in OCLC.
  9. Also, because WorldShare is a static database, the statistics do not change except for items that were updated at the end of the month or the beginning of the next month.  Other than that, if you look at the statistics three months from now, they will be the same.
  10. WorldShare has its own database and you only have access to the reports that OCLC provides to you.
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