OCLC Support

We cannot send or receive ILLiad Odyssey documents

  • Site gets error messages trying to send or receive Odyssey documents
Applies to
  • ILLiad

For self-hosted sites, please check:

1.  On the Web Server, restart the ILLiad Odyssey Manager Service and make sure it is still running after ten seconds by refreshing the services.  If it is not, then the Web Server Administrator needs to troubleshoot that issue.  Generally, this will resolve the issue.

2. The other issue is the Firewall.  Make sure that port 7968 is open incoming and outgoing.

3. Also test the Odyssey Setup by going to the Testing Your Odyssey Setup site.

Hosted ILLiad sites need to contact OCLC Support.

Additional Information

You might see an error message like "No Connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

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