OCLC Support

Some Docline requests are not imported into ILLiad

Applies to
  • ILLiad

If the internal DOCLINE button is used to import Docline requests and you want to be able to track that request in ILLiad for billing and statistical purposes, you will need to add that request manually. Here is the link for the DOCLINE Lending Workaround for Requests Not Imported to ILLiad from ATLAS.

If Docline seems to show more possible requests than are imported, Docline may have automatically updated incorrectly. Redownload the latest scripts from the ILLiad Downloads site and place them in C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline.

In version 9.2 of ILLiad they changed the location of the Docline scripts.   They are now located in the C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline folder.  This is the new location to allow the Docline scripts to be updated when new ones come out. If you encounter an error extracting the DOCLINE scripts, with an Access Denied error for C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline, the permissions for the folder need to be modified. 

Follow these steps to modify the DOCLINE folder permissions:

  1. Right-click on the C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline folder and select properties.
  2. Go to the Security tab, and in the top section, choose Edit.
  3. Click Users Group.
  4. In the Permissions box, under the Allow column, check the box for Full Control.
  5. Click OK, and then again on the other window.
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