OCLC Support

Our ILLiad library cannot connect to Copyright Clearance Center

  • Our library cannot connect to Copyright Clearance Center.
  • 31 August 2022 has passed.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here are the steps to identifying your CCC connection problem:

  1. Update to at least 9.1.4. This must be done, per CCC, by 31 August 2022. 
  2. Search the ILLiad Customization Manager for they keys CCCUsername and CCCPassword. Make sure there are no extraneous spaces or hidden characters in those entries.
  3. Test those login credentials by logging into the CCC Marketplace webpage at https://marketplace.copyright.com.
    (Note: If it immediately has you select your organization or account, contact CCC to have them select which account or organization to use as the default in the future, as ILLiad does not have the option to choose, and will throw an error during searches.)
  4. Once you've logged into the CCC webpage, click on your account and select Account Settings. If this is a corporate account, you should see a section for user information and one for billing information. If you only see one section, then this is not a corporate account, and you will need to either have the CCC help you change it to a corporate account, or create a new corporate account here at https://marketplace.copyright.com/rs-ui-web/mp/registration.
    (Note: CCC can affiliate an account with an institution, but this doesn't automatically make it a corporate card with billable information.)
  5. In the ILLiad Customization Manager, search for the LocalInfo table. In that table, for your NVTGC, make sure the following fields match exactly what is in the Billing address information for your corporate account on the CCC Marketplace website:
    • General Country
    • BillingAddress1
    • BillingCity
    • BillingState
    • BillingZip
  6. Once all the above is done, you should be able to search the CCC from ILLiad. If not, turn on debug logging and check what the error is in a debug log. OCLC hosted sites can send those logs to OCLC Support.
  7. If all the above is done and you still get an error when submitting copyright, then the CCC needs to edit your account on the backend to be invoiced instead of using a credit card. This must be done by CCC staff, as ILLiad does not have that functionality. In theory, all old CCC accounts were already switched to invoice, but any newly created accounts will need to be edited by the CCC to change from the default of Credit Card to Invoice. If this is the issue, in the logs you will see something about "credit card" in the error when submitting copyright.