OCLC Support

In ILLiad, how do I request a WSKey?

  • You need to add a WSKey for ILLiad, so you can have it work with services such as Article Exchange, IFM and the ILL Policies Directory
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

Here are the instructions for requesting a new WsKey:

1.  Go to the Developer Network:

2.  Click on the Developer Network WSKey user interface link.

3.  Put in your symbol and choose Continue.

4.  Sign in with your WorldCat Username and Password.

5.  After you sign in, click on the "Request a Production WSKey."

6.  Under the Services, select
     A.  Article exchange
     B.  ILL Fee Management API.
     C.  Interlibrary Loan Policies Directory
     D.  If you are going to be using the Item Availability, you should also select the Availability Query.

7.  Fill in the WSKey Name.
8.  Put in the Reason for this request such as "ILLiad WSKey requirement."
9.  Go with the Default Owning Institution.
10.  You do not need to put anything in the Redirect URI.
11.  Click on Create Request.

Periodically sign into the Developer Network after a couple of days to review your request status.  You will then look at your WSKeys and then you can copy over your WSKey and Secret into the ILLiad Customization manager.

1. The WsKey goes into the OCLCWebServiceV2APIKey and the OCLCItemAvailabilityWsKey if you also selected the Item Availability during your WSKey request.  Make sure you save the change.

2.  Copy the Secret over to the OCLC WebServieV2APISecret and save the change.

3.  After these keys are updated, restart your IIS.  If you are hosted by OCLC, you need to contact OCLC Support.  If you are self-hosted, contact your Web Server Administrator.

4.  After IIS has restarted, then restart all your ILLiad Clients.

Your WSKey should be active now.

Additional Information

In order to sign in to the Developer Network to be able to request a WsKey, you need to have WSKEY_ADMIN set to Yes.  You can use any WMS account or WorldShare ILL account as long as it has that Admin role. 

For more information about WorldShare user accounts, refer to WorldShare User Management.

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