OCLC Support

ILLiad Patron Expiration Date

Applies to
  • ILLiad

The Patron Expiration Date is used in the ILLiad Database Manager as a limitation on Search. It is possible to delete or block patrons.  To limit the results to consider the Patron Expiration Date, check the box to Limit to the patrons whose expiration date has passed. Please see ILLiad Database Manager documentation.  Also, the Customization keys that are used to define the Expiration date are:

  • UserExpirationUndergraduate
  • UserExpirationGraduate
  • UserExpirationFaculty
  • UserExpirationStaff

For other Statuses, users can create keys with those statuses following the keys that are already in the system:

1.  Go to the Customization table in the Customization Manager. It is under System, General, and then select the Customization table.

2.  Find one of the Keys that already exists such as UserExpirationFaculty and select the record. Do not open it.

3.  On the top, click on Copy Record.

4.  Edit the CustKey so it has the desired new status.  So if it was UserExpirationFaculty and should now be Distance, then change they Custkey to UserExpirationDistance. The Custkey cannot have spaces in it.

5.  Edit the Description and Value as needed.

6.  Save the change.

With all the keys in Customization Manager dealing with the User Expiration date, it is possible to set the dates for any amount of time. Most sites decide to put in 365 for one year.  Libraries can decide what to use for the number.

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