OCLC Support

How can I delete an ILLiad user account?

  • I want to remove unused patron accounts from the database.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

If a patron does not have any requests, the patron account can be deleted using the ILLiad Database Manager. Here are the steps to take to delete the account.

  1. If the patron has requests associated with them, then Break the User Link in the ILLiad Database first. If hosted by OCLC, please contact OCLC Support for any questions about the process.
  2. Download the ILLiad Database Manager if it is not already installed.
    1. Contact OCLC Support for the download credentials.
    2. Download the Database Manager from the Downloads page.
  3. After opening the ILLiad Database Manager, go to the Patrons tab.
  4. Ensure the box for "Only delete patron if Expiration Date has passed" is deselected.  If you are deleting multiple patrons, then you may want to keep it selected.
  5. Search for the patron by Username.
  6. The Name should show up at the bottom of the screen. 
  7. On the right side, click "Delete Displayed Patrons." The patron will be deleted. 


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