OCLC Support

How does Email Routing work in ILLiad?

  • You want to set up an Email Routing rule, but you are not sure how Email Routing works
Applies to
  • ILLiad

When you are in an ILLiad request and want to send a message to a patron or a Lender, you can set up an Email Routing rule to send out the notification.  Information is found in the Email Routing documentation.  For an Email Routing rule to work correctly, you need to make sure of the following steps:

  1. You create the Notification Template following the Creating and Editing Email Templates documentation.
  2. The Email Routing rule you create following the Adding Email Routing Rules documentation has to have a Loan Template or an Article Template that matches the name exactly in the Notification Templates drop-down.
  3. The EmailRouting rule must have a Loan Template filled in if the Transaction is a Loan Request or an Article Template filed in if the Transaction is an Article.
  4. If you open an Email Routing rule and the form is blank, check the location field from the User record and ensure the field is not blank.
  5. If the field is not blank, then make a change in the patron record and save it.  Then change it back and save it. 
  6. You will need to restart the ILLiad Client again.
  7. Try to use the Email Routing rule again and see if it works.
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