OCLC Support

How does Article Exchange work in ILLiad?

  • You want to know when you are sending items in Article Exchange, what process does it use to get the item to the other site
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here is the process of how Article Exchange is delivered from the Lender to the Borrower:

  1. Your article is sent to the Article Exchange server at <ill.sd00.worldcat.org>.
  2. From the information sent with the article, the Article Exchange server sends the article to the proper service and site.
  3. The Borrowing site then gets the article and is able to receive the article.  Please see OCLC Article Exchange Receiving documentation.
  4. If the Library is not an ILLiad Library, an email will go out to the Library where they can pick up the request if you set it up in the ArticleExchangeLendingEmailSystemIDs.
  5. In WorldShare ILL, they will see an AE Alert with the information that they can get the article, or they can deliver the article to the patron.
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