OCLC Support

How do I manually update a request in ILLiad?

  • You need to know the process for manually updating an OCLC request in ILLiad
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

In order to update a Transaction in ILLiad, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the Transaction associated with the ILL number. 
  2. Go to the OCLC Request ribbon and select "Show Request."
  3. You will now see the options that you have to update the request.  An example might be "Manually Complete."  When you click on this button, it will close the request on OCLC.

Another option you might encounter is the ILL number is incorrect in the Transaction Number.  Then you will need to find the correct ILL number and update it doing the following:

  1. Go to System, and click on Search/Review Statuses.
  2. Put in the Transaction number in the search box on the top left.
  3. Click on the Dropdown Menu and select "Transaction Number."
  4. Click Search, which will search OCLC. 
    NOTE: If there is only one result, it will automatically open. If there is more than one result, click on the appropriate result.   
  5. After the record opens, you will have Manual Options you can select. An example might be "Manually Complete." 
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