OCLC Support

How do I install the latest version of the ILLiad Client?

  • How to install the latest version of ILLiad.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

To install the latest version of ILLiad, make sure of the following:

  1. The Web Server needs to be on the same version of ILLiad before you can install the latest Client update. For example, you cannot run ILLiad 9.2.5 unless your server is on 9.2.
    • Hosted servers that are not on the latest version of ILLiad will need to schedule an upgrade with OCLC Support.
    • Self-hosted sites should contact their Web Server Administrator to upgrade the server. Here are the current steps to upgrade: Updating ILLiad to Version 9.2
  2. Next, download the latest version of ILLiad from ILLiad Downloads. Contact OCLC Support for credentials. 
  3. Follow the instructions for Running the ILLiad Client Installation Program. Be sure to follow this step: Right-click on the ILLiad Client and "Run as Administrator."
    • Hosted sites installing for the first time may need to contact OCLC Support to provide the ATLAS SQL Alias Manager host and data source.
  4. Once the correct information is in ATLAS SQL Alias Manager, open the ILLiad Client and log in. 
Further Troubleshooting

Hosted sites that have changed locations or ISPs should contact OCLC Support with any IP addresses so we can add them to our firewall's safe-list.

Note: Any errors that show during installation can most likely be bypassed and will not affect the ILLiad Client. If an error you cannot bypass occurs, contact OCLC Support

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