OCLC Support

How do I install an ILLiad Server?

  • You want to know how to install an ILLiad Server.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here are the steps you need to take to install the ILLiad Server Program:

1. Open the Obtaining the ILLiad Server Installation File link and get the program.

2. You follow the Running the ILLiad Server Installation Program documentation. 

3. When running the installation program, you may need to create the c:\ILLiad\Setup folder and give the c:\ILLiad folder Users Group Modify or Full Permissions.

4. After the Server installation, if you are running ISO, you will need to go to c:\illiad\iso and extract the InstallFiles, and then you will follow the steps for How do I install ISO ILL for the first time if I am using ILLiad 9.1 or higher?

5. Install the ILLiad Client by downloading the latest version from the ILLiad Downloads.

6. You will also need to download and Install the latest SQL Alias Manager from the ILLiad Downloads.  You will need to install it to open the ATLAS SQL Alias Manager.

7. Open the ATLAS SQL Alias Manager by right-clicking on it and "Run as Administrator," and make sure your settings are correct to connect to the SQL Server.

8. Because the Server Installer does not have the latest versions of all the different ILLiad Services, Open up the ILLiad Customization Manager and Change the following Keys to

- VersionConnectionManager
- VersionISO
- VersionISOManager
- VersionOdysseyManager
- VersionRapidManager
- VersionSharedComponents
- VersionSystemManager

9.  Run the ILLiadUpdate in the c:\ILLiad folder by right-clicking on it and "Run as Administrator."

10. The ILLiadUpdater will update the Services to the latest version.

11. After the update is complete, see if the ILLiad Services will run correctly by opening the Services and starting the different ILLiad services you have.

12. Make sure you also have set up the Server Configurations and Permissions.  In the Information about the Server Configurations and Permissions, under the Application Development, make sure these boxes are checked:

    1. Net Extensibility 3.5
    2. Net Extensibility 4.5
    3. ASP
    4. ASP.NET 3.5
    5. ASP.NET 4.5
    6. CGI
    7. ISAPI 
    8. ISAPI Filters

13.  After the installation, you should go to IIS and the Handler Mappings and make sure that CGI-exe and ISAPI-dll are set to execute in their permissions.  They may be showing up in the Not Enabled group.  


If you have any other questions, please contact OCLC Support

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