OCLC Support

How do I delete users from my ILLiad Database?

  • How to delete users from the ILLiad database.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

To remove old users from the database, you can do this in multiple ways.

  1. Use the Database Manager to remove users who do not have any transactions associated with them. Follow The ILLiad Database Manager documentation.
  2. Self-hosted sites will need to work with their database administrator on a query on what users should be removed.
  3. Hosted sites that want a specialized query to remove patrons: For example, you want any patron who has not requested anything for the past three years to be removed from the Database, you would need to contact OCLC Support. We will work with you on your parameters to complete your request.

You can use the Database Manager to delete Transactions and Other information from the database.

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