OCLC Support

How do I add an ILLiad site/affiliation?

  • You want to add a site/affiliation rather than a Delivery Location
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here are the steps for setting up a site/affiliation:

  1. In the Customization Manager in the CustomDropDown table, you add the NVTGC record for the affiliated site you want to add following the help article for How do you update the Drop Down Menus in the ILLiad Client in the Patron record?
  2. You also add the Delivery location with the same NVTGC information from the CustomDropDown table entry you created in the DeliveryLocation table.
  3. After doing these two steps, you will be able to use the new site/affiliation to set up a pickup location for your patrons.
  4. If you want to setup the pickup location on the Web pages, you need to follow the Custom DropDown (v9.0) documentation for the fields you need to update.
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