OCLC Support

How can I see an error log in ILLiad?

  • How can I see an error log in ILLiad? 
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

Here are the steps in getting the Log:

1. ILLiad has an orange button labeled Save Feedback in the top right corner of the client that allows uers to view and save an error log. Click it, then select the Logs tab.

2.  To search for errors, control-F and search for "error" in that ILLiad.Client.log tab.

3.  Save the feedback using the save button in the ILLiad client, and then send the .zip file to OCLC support.

4.  For more information on the feedback button and its functionality, please see Submitting Error Feedback.

To set up ILLiad for Debug logging, please follow the ILLiad Client Log Configuration.

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