OCLC Support

How can I clear requests stuck in Awaiting OCLC Sending?

  • How can I clear requests stuck in Awaiting OCLC Sending?
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here are some steps to troubleshoot the issue of Awaiting OCLC Sending:

  1. Make sure DirectRequestEnabled is set to Yes in the Customization Manager.
  2. Check if there is a routing rule that was turned on that changes the Status to Awiaitng Direct Request Sending.  If there is not, then you need to create one.
  3. Go to the Alerts section of the ILLiad Client and Click on Connection Manager.
  4. In the next screen, on the top left, you will see Started, Last Run, and Next Run.  If Next Run shows a Date and time that is past, that means the Connection Manager is not running.
  5. Contact your Web Server Administrator to restart the ILLiad Connection Manager service. Hosted sites will need to contact OCLC Support for Connection Manager and other service restarts. 
  6. After Restarting the ILLiad Connection Manager service, wait five seconds and refresh the screen to make sure it is still running.  If it is not, you will need to troubleshoot why the ILLiad Connection Manager is not starting. 
  7. If it works, the request should go out within twelve minutes after restarting the Connection Manager service.
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