OCLC Support

Does ILLiad keep track of when user accounts are created?

  • Does ILLiad keep track of when new user accounts are created?
Applies to
  • ILLiad

ILLiad does not have specific functionality to keep track of the dates which accounts were created. The only way to create a report on this list of new users created dates is to: 

1. Sign-in to the ILLiad Client.

2. Select the magnifying glass button next to the Username, Name and ID fields.
If prompted, select Yes if a warning dialog box pops up

3. Scroll over and sort the Expiration Date fields by selecting Expiration Date twice.

4. Highlight all rows with desired dates.

5. Select Export to export these users to Excel.

This shows how long ago these new user accounts were created.

If there is no information in your institution's Expiration Date field, there is no other way which ILLiad tracks or stores 

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