OCLC Support

Expert search

Discover how to perform an expert search, which allows you to combine multiple index labels and search terms in a single string, in WorldShare Record Manager.

使用專家搜尋在單一字串中執行完整搜尋。 專家搜尋由索引標籤和搜尋字詞組合而成。 透過使用布林運算子 (AND、OR、NOT),您可以同時搜尋多個索引,並同時套用限制。 專家搜尋可以在基本搜尋區域或進階搜尋視窗中執行。

 Note: When performing an expert search for local holdings records (LHRs), you must enclose search terms in quotation marks to retrieve records with that phrase in any field or subfield (e.g., "EAST - East periodicals").


  1. From the Data Type drop-down list, select a data type.
  2. From the Scope drop-down list, select a search scope.
  3. In the Term(s) text field, enter your expert search in this format: [Index label] [Search term(s)].
    • For example: ti: girl dragon tattoo mt:nsr pb=random house
    • 當您使用多個索引執行專家搜尋時:
      • 隱含布爾運算 AND。 如果您使用的是布爾運算子 OR 或 NOT,您必須鍵入運算子並使用大寫字母。
      • You can search using the following French Boolean operators: ET (AND), OU (OR), SAUF (NOT)
         Note: These operators must be entered in all uppercase letters to be considered Boolean operators.
    • For a list of available bibliographic, local bibliographic data, and local holdings record files and indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
    • For a list of available authority files and indexes, see Record Manager: Authorities Guide.
  4. Click Search.