WorldCat Discovery
For use by: WorldCat Discovery and WorldShare Management Services libraries.
Applies to: Knowledge base collections.
Use Coverage to determine holdings
This setting works in conjunction with WorldCat Discovery. Setting this selection to "Yes" uses the coverage information about electronic resources maintained in your knowledge base to display to WorldCat Discovery users only search results that contain items for which your library holds the full-text or print as determined by your knowledge base holdings coverage information. All articles outside your library's coverage range will display as held by the next appropriate relevancy level.
Institutions using WorldCat Discovery may want to represent their print serial titles as collections for two reasons:
Display Order
For use by: WorldCat Discovery and WorldShare Management Services libraries.
Applies to: Knowledge base collections.
This setting determines the order of link display in WorldCat Discovery by allowing your library to create a prioritized order of providers and collections outside of the default order. Promote either open access or licensed content in WorldCat Discovery by specifying your desired order of knowledgebase collections and providers for link display.
Library staff can choose to add providers or individual collections to the prioritized order. If a collection is prioritized above the rest of the items from that provider, that collection’s links will show before links from everything else below it, including other links from the same provider.
By default, newly selected providers appear after providers and provider/collections you have added to the prioritized list. In other words, if you have access to an item that is available via two or more different providers, the links to the resources will appear in this order:
- Item X, Link 1 (Provider or Provider/Collection 1, first provider in the Prioritized Providers and Collections list in Display Order)
- Item X, Link 2 (Provider or Provider/Collection 2, second provider in the Prioritized Providers and Collections list in Display Order)
- Item X, Link 3 (Provider 3, most recently added in Collection Manager and not included in the Prioritized Providers and Collections list)
To choose the order of provider and collection links:
- Choose a Provider or Collection and use the dropdown to search and select a specific provider or collection. OR
- Select a collection or provider from the Prioritized Providers and Collections list or the Unprioritized Providers list.
- The Unprioritized Providers list is sorted alphabetically.
- A collection or provider can be moved in the following ways:
- Drag and drop the provider or collection names from the unprioritized list to the prioritized list.
- Drag and drop to move collections and providers up and down in priority on the prioritized list.
- Drag and drop can be used to move from the unprioritized list to the prioritized list, or to move within the prioritized list. You cannot drag from the prioritized list to the unprioritized list.
- Use the Move to drop-down to alter the position of providers or collections. Options include:
- top of prioritized list
- bottom of prioritized list
- specific position in prioritized list
- unprioritized list
- 按一下 儲存 。
Links to providers or collections on the prioritized list will be returned to Discovery in this order.
Refer to Display full-text links and elevate links from a specific provider for more information.